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Everything posted by Gav

  1. We always had gear fail, even brand new gear, it takes some punishment out there especialy over rough ground, Even if your only hauling 8 - 12 tons a time. Theres some coplicated hydraulics too, net drums power block and winches. Combined with sea water it doesn't last long. 500+ horse engines running 24/7. Boat caught a submarine out in the minch and was nearly pulled under, shame he couldnt have landed it ? Good show though, they did they're share, the skipper was fair but made sure they did thier whack.
  2. I never knew this one to be checked, didn't have DNA then and the teeth were turned to pulp so really no evidence if anyone did end up in there, I dare say some savoury charachters met they're demise at that place though!
  3. Back in the hmmm 19*0s I worked at a fat refinery, we used what was called a cracker to crunch all the animal bones to pulp, was a long cylindrcal spinning dooby with big teeth, would do a whole wagon full in under five mins, even the teeth were turned to pulp, much more effeciant I think mate ???
  4. What is that contraption, looks like a burger cooker, honestly never seen the like but would like to try one!
  5. Gav


    I have no idea what they use on the fank to be honest, they say here the brown nymph ticks are sheep ticks and the red are from deer, whether it's right or not I'm not sure? All the sheep here are mainly kept on common grazing (moorland), they only keep them on croft land during lambing.
  6. Gav


    Sheep carry them too, an there's more sheep than people here. We do the animals monthly with broadline but the ticks need to latch on to ingest the drug to kill them, so we still end up with them crawling on us, normally when your trying to sleep in bed, bit annoying but used to taking a few a month out, last one a few days ago behind my knee ?
  7. Gav


    I wouldn't mind the ones on ya todger, at least you can get them out yourself, it's the ones that get in the crack of your arse that's the problem ?
  8. Gav


    Was reading this rag only because I followed a link posted elsewhere on THL, but came across this, makes interesting reading. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/jul/16/pentagon-review-weaponised-ticks-lyme-disease
  9. Never said I had dogs ? ? just bemused by your mad ramblings, I've tried to dechiper some of it but gave up, your off ya trolly, numpty!
  10. What the hell has fonts got to do with it ?
  11. Now that had me spray coffee out of my nose ? ? ?
  12. I'm glad its not just me that can't understand what the idiot is trying to communicate, I've tried to decipher some of his tosh before, even urban dictionary can't decipher the madmans ramblings ? ?
  13. They all jump on half of his sentence and spin it to mean something else, why do these rags only play on "go back to your own country" totally contradictory to what he actually said! Look at the whole tweet and the context, journalists turning something into a drama to suit they're own ends again ? FAKE NEWS again! He was right from the start.
  14. Aye well said, they just jumped on the racist bandwagon trying to justify themselves after he's spoken the truth yet again. Scream racism at every point and it may just work on the lefty liberals, the racism card is wearing very thin on folk these days, people aren't been hoodwinked so much, it's a bit like crying wolf!
  15. That's is bloody awsome, where'd you get the spit/rotisserie? What a cracking idea, giving me ideas for alsorts amongst the slobber you've induced me to ?
  16. Had a guy try telling me off once, I was doing a mate a favour an didn't even work there, this old guy says "while your here you can go check out the mains in that shed", me "no thanks", him "do you know who I am", me "no, do you know who I am?" him "no", me "well fukcoff then", he did a dance and walked off scratching his head, he was the owner of the quarry and even asked my mate if I'd return to work for him as he'd never been spoken to like that, and respected me ? I never returned, hated working in mucky ole holes ?
  17. A young lad (in his 30's) down the road here is on anti depressants and anti psychotics, he's a .223win and a .22wmr, I really try and keep my distance, he's asked to come out with me but I'm always busy! I've only done variations and renewals over the years and never had any trouble at all. I was in trouble as a teen (just theft and burglary of non dwelling) and its still on my record as a juvenile, a few FEO have questioned why its still on my record, and I don't know? Comes up on any disclosure I do so just declare it, but its never been a bother.
  18. Thats why then, don't keep your skeletons in your closet, bury them where they can't be found like the rest of us! Honestly though I've met plenty of people where I have doubted if they should ever have been issued with an FAC at all. If you have good reason to own a firearm the onus is on the force to prove your not fit to have one, I can see this changing for the worse, as more forces legal or not, are getting us to do the donkey work, and paying through the nose too, medical reports from doctors been the one. I've always been lucky and have the experiance over many years, I t
  19. Can't fault the A-tec pal, have them on all mine, the .308 was pricey but you get what ya pay for, its not a pringles can and very light, maintenance free ?
  20. Heres the story. LINK Some class coments on utube too ?
  21. Remember some twat asking my ma to keep her cockerals, turkeys and geese quiet, they didnt like her response, she was a fearsome woman even when she wasnt weilding a 12g, her response then was "f**king townies", thay never called again!
  22. Thought this was going to be another post about shitting in ditches ?
  23. Yeah four hours tailing between 5 hour hauls is a tad boring ? by catch was always good though ?
  24. Wish the wife had listened to the bit about not dropping it, it could cause damage ? Sorry I've lowered the tone again, I blame my age ?
  25. Remember to look after them as the instructions say ?
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