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Everything posted by Gav

  1. Gav


    I've only ever used it in the nozzle to avoid spatter build up anyway, never been told to apply to a work piece, tip dip sounds good ? Trouble with any car welding is trying to get a comfortable position, half the time your on your back in tight spaces, jig welding on a table is a whole better scenario ?
  2. Gav


    DId anyone mention anti spatter spray? Good to stop your nozzle clogging up ?
  3. Gav


    I did my ASME9 40+ years ago, I never mastered MIG and I've used some good profesional machines, I suck at it ? will use gas, MMA or TIG over MIG any day ?
  4. Gav


    Eddy currents cause an elecromagnetic field when current runs through a coiled cable, I always tell folk to uncoil cables too, sound advice ?
  5. £500 for the Browning AB3 short action, rifle didn't cost that new ? and still need to be glass bedded ?
  6. Very nice, but agree needs lower mounts. Wonder if they do simular for the T-bolts?
  7. Some fine work there again Rob ?
  8. Another story : https://www.welovestornoway.com/index.php/articles-auto/16201-red-for-diesel-tax-danger
  9. Fullers earth through soil pipes pal, you tube the chavs of manchester doing it on a grand scale. And you'd have the tax man on yer arse for using 25000 gallons on a single tractor ? they ain't daft. When you buy red here you have to fill a form in an say what its for.
  10. NI use green die I believe? The may even use different for heating oil there, but not here.
  11. Because oil is a lubricant ?
  12. Funny how ours is always red and always has been ? https://bizfluent.com/about-6067344-red-diesel-fuel-.html
  13. You can extract the die easiely and run any motor on it, red diesal is exactly the same just died red for tax purposes ?
  14. The tanker that fills the tank for plant at our fank fills the house heating oil tanks at the same time.
  15. It's the same stuff, just 5% VAT on heating oil, I've used red in our heating and heating oil in the tractor no problems.
  16. Not only that, it will cripple every thing, but no smoke without fire I say.
  17. I know, wouldn't put it past them though! Can see everyone here using heating oil in they're tractors and plant, at least thats only got 5% VAT. Here's another story on it : http://www.hebrides-news.com/red-diesel-6320.html
  18. https://www.thescottishfarmer.co.uk/news/18283900.red-diesel-no/ If this goes through it will be devasting for the farming and building industry in this country, whats next?
  19. Yes blackpowder front stuffers are legal.
  20. These are the type of UK legal handguns, unless you've been using club owned ones a very long time, getting a ticket for them is next to non, there is only one use for these and its target shooting.
  21. I find it very nostalgic ?
  22. I was speaking to Fraser Lamb from SACS a few weeks ago and he said it's already been talked about carrying it over to rifle amunition, its just rifle ammunition companies haven't invested in alternatives as much yet like they have with steel in SG cartridges, so it will be coming, just a matter of when!
  23. Streets of Londonistan pal ?
  24. Your right @SD, 16lbs of lead to kill a guy, you'd think they were makining bleeding cannon balls ?
  25. Yes and yes is your answer, go for it if you have the money get the best you can afford!
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