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Everything posted by Gav

  1. I don't know if it's the same as the ferries here but, your supposed to declare guns and ammintion at the port, they can then decide what to do with them, separate safe storage or crew hold your keys. I think every ferry company has their own rules, so best checking direct. They can refuse travel here if undeclared, but I never have, and how would they know if you don't declare?
  2. I got one of these nearly three years ago, still going strong and I would still recommend it. Handy having the 8m leads and 100% DC up to 160A, built in Germany good bit of kit, I only paid £137 so must be inflation now at £180, still worth the money though.
  3. Watched on the news earlier, great idea for stabilising patients and giving information to crews that can take a lot longer to reach critical patients, he's a trained paramedic with lifesaving kit in his back pack, not like the French twat that developed the jet pack to fly the Channel ?
  4. That one was on Lewis ?
  5. Loving the ammo bag you got to match too ?
  6. I power wash mine after every outing, then a good dip in turtle wax ? ?
  7. Yeah I've been thinking about it for a while, just need to go blast all my ammo off first, hate to see it goto waste huh ?
  8. As WILF says "hunting what" that is the question, the answer will indicate what firearm best suits your purpose!!
  9. Think I need a new rifle ? thinking of swapping my HMR out for a 22 hornet for the geese ? Just a shame my get up and go got up and left me twenty years ago, time for inspiration again ?
  10. We call them immigrants here!
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4xZUr0BEfE&pbjreload=101 Canny beat some Mongolian metal.
  12. I use Strelok Pro along with my chrono on tablet, its a cracking app once you've got it all set up right, barrel length twist rate velocity etc etc. He's bang on with help to, replies to emails within 24 hours, good ole Boris. I use a bendy straw on a bamboo kebab stick as a wind vane and an anenometer too, but even with all the setup it helps, but nothing beats good old practice for long range, just wish I had some chance to get out, winters coming yippee ?
  13. Make nice burgers with a bit of good pork fat, thousands of grey lags and canadas here ?
  14. Gav


    And I thought a suspended sentence involved a rope ?
  15. Yes if they'd have been neon pink, but green/khaki ?
  16. We have a 36' x 18' we got it from https://www.firsttunnels.co.uk/ I only just cut the cover off in March and it lasted 9 years. I'd suggest growing in tubs and planters rather than the ground, used to spend a full day in it weeding only to go back two days later and back to square one. That was my intention to put a hard base down before I recover it this time, but lock down got in the way. When we first got it we were advised "go for the biggest you can afford/space you have"
  17. i don't like the colour, I'm out ?
  18. Gav

    Messy cnuts!

    Same here https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-highlands-islands-53528869?intlink_from_url=https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/scotland&link_location=live-reporting-story
  19. I'll put a post up when I'm sober ? Jammy bugger ?
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