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Everything posted by Gav

  1. Just for drooling over unfortunately ? glad I stockpile ?
  2. Try Henry Kranks. Henry Krank & Co | Guns, Ammo and Accessories WWW.HENRYKRANK.COM Henry Krank & Co is an established Gun Shop located in Pudsey. We are one of the UK's largest retailers of Guns, Ammo, Reloading & Muzzle Loading equipment.
  3. Best thing I ever did was have all mine removed, has saved me a fortune!
  4. You obviously had you eyes open when you popped it ?
  5. Wish I'd have been in blackpool when they were out.
  6. Fecking barstewards pigs... Should crowd fund to get em they're possessions back, feck the corrupt copper basterds ?
  7. Gav

    Site adverts

    Just a pi zero, I added a display but you don't need one, just use the web interface, takes less than ten mins to set up, plenty of tutorials on the web ?
  8. Gav

    Site adverts

    Pi-hole, no ads at all in my house ? Home PI-HOLE.NET 1. Install a supported operating system You can run Pi-hole in a container, or deploy it directly to a supported operating system via our automated installer.
  9. Ohh don't get me started, honestly its all a big fat joke now! All the billions the Government wasted on it too, someone had to make huge profits at our expense huh ??
  10. There's a bit of a cold going around and everyone panicked ???
  11. Gun plans prices are set? They don't ask any questions! Pick your plan, pay and your covered.
  12. Yup cheap no frills, I was with SACS but they make a lot of noise and do bugger all, like most of them!
  13. Gav


    Bloody hell you had a lucky escape, I ended been married to her ?
  14. Gav


    I bet he's not the only one! My neighbour thinks pubic hair on women is disgusting, told him i'd feel like a peodo if it didn't have hair, he thinks I'm wrong in the head! He's only in his forties, different generation ? I thought dogging was going coursing till one of my kids enlightened me, I have no clue what half the stuff even means any more, I'm from the age where gay meant happy ?
  15. Gav


    Mary Whitehouse was right huh! She was only out to protect us from ourselves ?
  16. I did think about that, then thought I'd probably shot many that we're split already and as long as I know they're split, I'd check the barrel every time. I'll be checking them all as I open each carton now anyway, see how many I get and take them back to swap out maybe ? And sorry luke, high jacked your hornet post and gone off on one ?
  17. Just been through an open box I have and seven out of twenty-seven unfired have split necks. I bought ten boxes of Federal v-shock just before lockdown 2020 and have seven still unopened, shows how much I've used it in the last two years ? You can make out the cracks if you zoom in, I've put them away now so will get batch number when I get them out again, I'll go out at some point and test the accuracy. I never checked all the others as didn't realised the problem was still prominent!
  18. Gav

    Pet hates.

    "Stick to the road, beware of the moor" ???
  19. I've been contemplating swapping my .17hmr out for a .22 hornet or .222 for the greylag here, you need to shoot em up the arse with the 17, or they just fly off, the .308 just emits red mist and a plume of feathers, and way too much expense! Pills for .22 hornet are out of stock most places, and I'm getting split necks again off the federal .17's. Then there's the 16 week wait on a variation, coz the cops are frightened of a flu and won't go to work to do their job ??
  20. Only 40mph, was hanging our washing out last week @92mph, dries real fast as long as it stays nailed to the line and not floating on the Atlantic ocean ?
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