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About Gav

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter
  • Birthday 10/08/1948

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  • Gender
  • Location
    In hiding!
  • Interests
    Wabbit popping, deer management, fishing, archery, off roading, fly tying, old tractors, mechanics and fabrication.

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  1. Just for drooling over unfortunately ? glad I stockpile ?
  2. Try Henry Kranks. Henry Krank & Co | Guns, Ammo and Accessories WWW.HENRYKRANK.COM Henry Krank & Co is an established Gun Shop located in Pudsey. We are one of the UK's largest retailers of Guns, Ammo, Reloading & Muzzle Loading equipment.
  3. Best thing I ever did was have all mine removed, has saved me a fortune!
  4. You obviously had you eyes open when you popped it ?
  5. Wish I'd have been in blackpool when they were out.
  6. Fecking barstewards pigs... Should crowd fund to get em they're possessions back, feck the corrupt copper basterds ?
  7. Gav

    Site adverts

    Just a pi zero, I added a display but you don't need one, just use the web interface, takes less than ten mins to set up, plenty of tutorials on the web ?
  8. Gav

    Site adverts

    Pi-hole, no ads at all in my house ? Home PI-HOLE.NET 1. Install a supported operating system You can run Pi-hole in a container, or deploy it directly to a supported operating system via our automated installer.
  9. Ohh don't get me started, honestly its all a big fat joke now! All the billions the Government wasted on it too, someone had to make huge profits at our expense huh ??
  10. There's a bit of a cold going around and everyone panicked ???
  11. Gun plans prices are set? They don't ask any questions! Pick your plan, pay and your covered.
  12. Yup cheap no frills, I was with SACS but they make a lot of noise and do bugger all, like most of them!
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