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Everything posted by c_greg

  1. nice pup [bANNED TEXT]! wots it out of?
  2. nice lookin dog [bANNED TEXT] i like the coat!
  3. thx [bANNED TEXT] the same appened 2 me m8s. im out 2nite luckily he has a spare
  4. nice pics dfk would like 2 see them action shots posted soon
  5. see now were harmless boys! its them lunatic boy racers in there nova's
  6. has [bANNED TEXT] had ne problems with there 170 striker i was out last night got off 2 a wonderful start 2 out of 3 rabbits on a piece ov new land i tried out the cry's ov the rabbits must ov brought a charlie in. so i started 2 call it in as it was in slippin distance i switchd the lamp off and took the filter off went 2 slip the dog and the lamp had died on me i was :sick: . avnt investigated the lamp thorougly would like 2 kno [bANNED TEXT] the source might b as its not the bulb. i av heard the switch's can go on them like which is a bit shitty seems the money u pay 4 them. any thoughts w
  7. join photobucket.com put [bANNED TEXT] picks on there put the url in [bANNED TEXT] message it should cum up
  8. [/img] ronnie [/img] ronnie. ronnie[/img]
  9. dog certainly doesnt look its age regards craig
  10. good on ya [bANNED TEXT]! regards craig
  11. gud look with the pups [bANNED TEXT] nice pics
  12. pup looks nice n strong nice colour 2!
  13. waf hes stil shittin yeller now
  14. nice pics [bANNED TEXT]! the white lurcher luks the business
  15. good pics [bANNED TEXT]!!
  16. as long as the the dog is from a good line it should deliver. would like 2 kno [bANNED TEXT] decision [bANNED TEXT] u choose [bANNED TEXT] breed u want?
  17. should b a photographer misty!! nice dogs
  18. may ov bin worse 4 wear but bet the lds were well entertained
  19. some heavy quarry there [bANNED TEXT] bet that filled the dinna table!
  20. good bitch [bANNED TEXT]! bring on nxt season
  21. 1 hare does me in a night. killin 2 many can be bad in the long run especially runnin them all year round
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