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Everything posted by moley

  1. the trouble is moxy, if you want to work for the big boys , you gotta sing off thier song sheet, not wanting to be dictated to from a work practice report is going to loose you the work if you did get chance, its all about best practice, health and safety, hazzards , bla bla
  2. thanks for the replies, amazing things these computers, just ask in the right place and you get the right advice, cheers again
  3. i have finally managed to get my old computer running , it has loads of my pics on it,i have bin told i should put them on a memory stick , there are hundreds if not a couple of thousand pics, will i need more than one stick or are they capable of holding plenty of pics ? what the best type of stick to use?, cheers
  4. might have to change back to being a mowdycatcher it always makes me smile to think of the poor hard up farmers , barely able to put fuel in their new landrovers
  5. so john , can we assume you don,t pay road tax or tv licence ?
  6. after tonite niether can i , he tried his best to cause bother,only ate one choccy biccy after i went to the shop especially to get his favourites, drunk most of my coffee and then left, he,s a cad and a bounder
  7. does anyone know if you need a licence to sell raw meat as dog food? cheers
  8. i always seemed to do well in wet weather, it wasnt the best working conditions but better than frost
  9. dont matter what bit of paper you have off the farmer, he cannot give you permission to shoot game if he hasnt got the shooting rights,he can give you permission to shoot rabbits and vermin, but thats all.
  10. just ordered 1, should be here tomorrow, thanks for the replies
  11. has anyone any experience of this camera or heard anything good or bad ?, cheers
  12. theres articles on here by glen waters that cover snaring squirrels
  13. Unless I have missed something i don't see any post that state moles dig wells? The concensus of opinion seems to be that moles like to inhabit areas that are more moist in periods of drought..........commom knowledge i would have thought.....! a well round here , is something that is dug down to the water table to provide water, i,m well aware that moles inhabit damp areas of ground in dry weather as thats were the worms are, common knowledge i would have thought and worms are about % water, so does a mole need to drink everyday ? or is it more old wives tales that seem to rule the li
  14. moles digging wells, thats a new one on me, ffs
  15. i did a video several years ago showing a mole caught in a hill , so nothing new there, it was a numbers game to me , i got paid per mole , no mole no fee, so you got to understand i wanted that mole first and only check, no messing about trying to get them after a few visits, you learn quickly when your loosing money , as for soil types , try setting on loose newly drilled soil in dry weather, you cannot till a trap properly in the conventional manner , so you learn other ways, i got offered 10 pence per dry mole skin about 10 years ago and even catching between 6000 - 8000 moles a winter
  16. take no notice of logun , he,s welsh, lol ,,, but like he said , theres shit loads of stuff on here about fenn traps , just troll thru some old posts and there plenty of pictures
  17. i do have a little bit of experience catching moles and am well aware of getting traps possitioned correctly, however i don,t think for a minute that moles stop at ever difference in thier tunnel system,i also know that mole runs are not exactly the same size along thier length, this is due to collapse , soil type etc, i used to set duffus type traps mostly in clean open runs, i would also set talpex type in certain situations and plugged the run before setting the trap, it worked for me and i had a 50% catch rate on most farms, so i must have bin doing something right, i no longer catch mole
  18. they cannot be that stupid, it has taken you 3 months to catch one,lol
  19. fantastic idea, where do i get starving rats ? ................................... ffs Just put a live cage rat trap down baited with some peanut butter near one of the buildings around one of the farms you control the vermin on, I am sure there will rats around somewhere. Or maybe someone off here local to you already has some traps down and could sort you out with some. If you get some rats you will have to put a secret camera up to let us all watch them get bitten. Pork doesn't want to be educated ! there is little hope for some, thats why i like THL , its all the retards
  20. fantastic idea, where do i get starving rats ? ................................... ffs
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