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Everything posted by moley

  1. fourteen acre or gamekeep are both trustworthy, nod , if you look at gamekeeps site , he tells you they chinky , he also sells genuine fenns, he just a few miles from me , always good for a cuppa and a natter ,
  2. website looks very similar to pro trapper , uk squirrel control and all the other sites set up and closed down by a man called ian, could easily be the same person that was on here as 2-20 or summit like that, bless him
  3. i,m fairly sure that mole skins were actually used for trousers or at least trouser fronts, being very hard wearing, i have seen an old photo of a moleatcher stood with his family wearing moleskin trousers looking at your pictures , moxy, it reminds me of winter molecatching and digging out frozen or snowed in traps, not that i have to worry about the weather anymore
  4. thanks folks , i,ll give them a go
  5. i thought it was about time i started to bugger about with photoshop or the likes, where the best place to get it from? , how much and are there better alternatives ? cheers
  6. still got to better than the big strong and bloody heavy cage trap i had to lug thru a forestry block the other day,
  7. cheers for that , it would be very helpful
  8. this topic was on here a few years back , i just wondered if anyone uses them or have a design for them,for those that dont know , they are used to trap fox that have bin traced or run into a bad place ,stoned in so mr fox has to enter the trap and set off a trigger that drops a door behind them
  9. i have very little experience with cage trapping foxes, probably cos i dont deal with urban ones and i get good results with snares, however i have trapped rural foxes in cages with and without floor covering, i think a fox get used to walking on all sorts of sufaces and walking on wire is just part and parcel of a foxes nighttime excursions, i have had rural foxes in cages without covering the floor , but this was in and around pens of poultry and i,m sure the fox was used to travelling across such surfaces, just my little bit of experience
  10. got to say , if you boys are trapping with loads of traps in wet weather , you gonna have a hell of a job with trowels and knives, they soon get clogged up and hard to grip,a t handled mole spade can be hard enuff to work with
  11. you can catch a mole anywhere in its tunnel system,its just some places are better and more consistent than others
  12. got to say matt, it was always duffus for me, i now bugger about with different traps ,but i,mgetting paid wether i catch it first check or not
  13. i wouldn,t know, i don,t have any
  14. so you thought you would take a picture of where these creature had bin, i would have done the same, i took a picture of where i had seen a yeti yesterday........................honest!!
  15. this pricing mullarky is harder to work out than actually catching the moles
  16. sorry to hear you had a bad year matt and good to know things are back on track i,m not in the game anymore,but everyone has the right to charge what they want and if they are happy with what they get and make a decent living and have the customers, then so be it, i made a bloody good living when i did the job,paid morgage, brought up a family, new truck and quad every 3-4 years and paid for , no chucky , so i must have bin doing something right for the 23 years i was self employed just cos folk dont charge what you charge dont mean they are all wrong
  17. WTF you on about?? could you please explain as i believe i have missed something What if your pulling 20 + per acre And im sure the land owner would love your working method It's quite simple. If I am catching 20 mole an acre then I will charge £15 everytime I work that acre. If it's a thursday or the second tuesday of the month I will work an acre where there aren't any moles as it's an easy day and I still make a tenner. If I manage to catch a mole a mole int eh acre where there weren't any then I will not charge for a mole in the acre as there wasn't supposed to be one.
  18. most nests are in boundry fences , walls, hedges, etc, but there are places where you get a huge hill in among normal sized hills, thats the one to dig into, its not just for raising young, like most mammals ,they like a warm dry bed, not all nests are obvious and like the one you found , they are sometimes just in a tunnel,
  19. theres no way you would get £10 per mole round here, but sitting at home dont pay bills, its ok spouting on about busy fools, but if you not out earning at least summit, you not much of a buisness man matt, as a buisness man yourself earning all that money, why dont you get a new van ?, it goes against tax and you,ll not have to worry about if it will make it thru the winter, just a thought
  20. try digging a big nest mound out hutch and you will see how many exits/entrances there are into the nest
  21. it was a nest , too early for breeding , just somewhere to sleep, they dont alway have a huge hill above them , i have come across them myself
  22. pictures of moles genitals, mmm, i don,t think i have any , but you never know , lol
  23. there are two apendages(sticky out bits)the females almost touch , the males have a slight gap, and males are a bit bigger , but not something you can rely on
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