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Everything posted by moley

  1. i just got my wife a new belt and bag for her birthday.................. the hoovers working great now
  2. i have trapped plenty of mink in cages over the years, can,t say i have had a problem with wire floors , if i set on rock or gravel , i just place the trap on top ,so long as it cant move about a mink will go in
  3. moley


    had something similar happen , ferreting one day and along the hedge out pops a biggish fox , my 23"x bred lurcher was running at it , fox turns to face the dog and she hit it with her shoulder ,this happened quite a few times over the next minute or so , then the fox gets its arse backed up against a big thorn bush to stand its ground and the bitch is bouncing back and forth fencing with the fox , the fox turns thru the hedge and starts across the field , by this time i,m right there and was going to grab the bitch cos the fox was heading towards a busy main road, anyway bitch jumps the hedge
  4. tight git i,ll donate £2 but that still includes p+p .ditch why dont you apply for funding from the lottery fund tight git , i don,t think so , i,m just careful, if you want to throw your money into a high risk venture like this , then good luck
  5. so if we all make donations to the "ditchshitters book appeal" will we be guaranteed free copies? if so ill give you £1 to get you started , that will of course include the postage.
  6. I will also keep schtum on the clappers too for the sake of Ditch's book, so don't ask me either :whistle: OTC and i will also keep quiet about these traps , on the condition that i get a freebee
  7. i bin looking at these for for a while ,does anyone know how long they are ?
  8. have a look on a frosty morning , the beats are easy to see , once the frost has gone the grass is kind of "burned off "on the beats, you will see what i mean
  9. i think you might have put it in the wrong section micky
  10. crikey , they must be posh rabbits round your way , carpeted warrens
  11. if its anything like the knotless nets , BB was selling , it will be bloody awful to use, doesn,t it keep springing back together , for want of a better explanation
  12. no one do any ratting then? :whistle: i think most engines of that type run on about 40:1, so just add a wee bit more , if its to rich , the engine will struggle and you will kill a good few before they bolt, you are going to gas some anyway ,
  13. if you dont mind me asking why do you want white purse nets to tell you the truth its for one of the lads who i hunt with. he's mad into ferreting and seen the nets been used on simon whiteheads dvd. said they be easier to find as alot of the ditches are fairly heavy with cover we ferret. you may find once you have used them for a while , they get dirty and end up looking the color of dead grass, have you thought about red or blue draw cords ?
  14. yer matress might be bulging but its more down to the hammer it gets when ur owt than ur money , and are you not already retired. for a newbie , your a very cheeky boy , fatlass
  15. me too , so what is the best sized mesh for young rabbits and where can i get some ? i bin looking for a while and havn,t found any yet ,are they available in trammels
  16. so does the same apply to shooting hares , if there are plenty in your area ? should they be treat as vermin and shot at anytime of year ?
  17. is that due to all the porno's under there? selling them later might just be enough to retire on why have you bin looking under my bed
  18. Sorry lads and lasses, but the website along with the magnum trap website has gone. Hopefully soon the magnum site will be back up and updated with a brand new design. i still have a good few mk 6 ,s
  19. --> QUOTE(john b @ Jan 31 2007, 07:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> On cage traps I quite often use larsen springs - not very elegant but it's what I had in the shed ..... john , do you find you don,t have to peg down cages when you have a spring on the door? , i have some rabbit cages like that , but without springs on the door and have to peg them to stop rabbits tipping them over and getting out
  20. i keep 7 all together , all castrated, peace and tranquility
  21. appology accepted , i never hold a grudge i am genuinly interested in what nets you use and wether they are traditional or fixed poles, baskets or not? the first trammel i bought was off BB, it is 4z both outer and inner meshes , this new trammel is 10z ,with 4z inner meshes but i,m a big lad and can cope with the extra weight nathan , you mention about extra weight in a trammel , then make yourself a double stranded net ??? seems a bit odd, is there a good reason for this ?please share it , is it based on many years of experience ? a lad in our street was given a very old net a fe
  22. HEY MOLEY , YOU MUST HAVE SPENT A BIT OF THAT STASH OF CASH ........ AND BOUGHT A NEW RUNNING DOG ? AS I HEARD YOUR MUTTS COULD CATCH MR JINGLES GIVEN FAIR LAW i,m spending nowt ,i,m saving for my retirement , my matress is bulging and theres no fair law given to anything
  23. MOLEY: without wanting to sound to condersending perhaps you would like to expand on the types of matieral that suit differant types of net? i for one would find it interesting to hear your experiancies on such matters. again this is not ment as a dig or bait for a rise, i am genuinely interested. well i,m not into materials , i just use the bloody things,but here goes for daylight : in hedges and woodland i use hemp cos it don,t pick up the shite a nylon net will, for open land i have bin using 4z trammels, but will give these heavier trammels a go soon, if i,m doing a big place
  24. too f*****g true matey , 25 rabbits ,1hare, 1rat for 31 shots ,all head shots ,exept the rat, up there with the best, want to know owt about rimmy shooting , i,m your man
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