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Everything posted by moley

  1. so in my opinion both sides can and often are, as guilty as the next at offering bad or silly advise. totally agree, however i am one of those people that is alway right
  2. not having a go ,but, as is stated , the cat might have just gone in , the law requires you to check traps , not empty them, the trapper could have bin feeding the cat until they found out whose it was, we nor they know all the facts , we and they are just surmising, also how does one tell if a cat is domestic or feral ?why is such a loving cat owner happy to chuck out thier precious moggy for the night ? if the trap was so close to the cat owners property, why had the cat owner waited for 2 days before looking for thier cat ? they can,t have searched very far i got blamed/accused of do
  3. good to see the dog got out ok , but reading that news report , does it mean that if it had bin a main or active set ,the dog would have had to be left ?
  4. i dont know if its genuine, but it looks a lot better made than the heap of rubbish [fenn6s] that i . recently bought .i think the rounded jaws are a plus ,there would be less excavation,easier bedding,and the young rabbits that are thrown off the plate only to be caught by the back leg in the corner of the jaws ,would live to be caught another day. rabbit numbers are increasing ,but methods of control will alter in the next few years, so i think we need a better trap, before we get a better mixy. perhaps we should let the japs have a look at them , after all they took landrovers pants
  5. We don't have reds in our woods so I don't know for certain, but I have a feeling they would be safe. Maybe one of the lakeland trappers or someone from IOW might know as there are good populations there I believe. OTC yes they do go in tunnels, i bought some accidentally trapped reds many years ago off a keeper, he got them off the apprentice he had working for him and told me that if you trap one , you are certain to get another the following day
  6. Sounds like the best of both worlds there it is exellent stuff
  7. its the same little turd that grasses on anyone giving him a hard time
  8. Bright, shiny new 'Mink' snares? Been there. Done that. Had results. They work too. 'Nuff said! "had results"you kept that quiet
  9. Moley man all my ground has never been passed by the police.How can the police keep a record or even go and inspect every part of the countryside. So that means if you get a job in from somebody who wants you to shoot a few marauding muntjack or Red deer you have to call the police and they'll tell you if you can shoot on that land.I wouldn't put up with that I'm sorry the farmer has the right to protect his crops and it doesn't matter what the police say. Aslong as you are safe enough to shoot it doesn't matter what calibre of rifle you shoot with.I have a piece of ground 33 acres I shoot re
  10. interesting stuff, if you shoot on the ground with a 243 or 270 ,then surely the ground will have bin passed already,all the officer said to me was to ring up and they could tell me there and then if the ground is passed, it used to state on my certificate ,that i could use it on ground where i had permission to use that caliber of firearm , i just assumed that the permission was off the landowner ,not the police, dunno if this is the case
  11. moley


    note to self , don,t upset anyone on here
  12. i have always said the very same thing, its the lamp and squealer man that does the hard work, the best bit is when you have to shout to stop it
  13. i just renewed my tickets , i do full time pest control and they still would issue an open ticket, the officer said all land had to passed as safe for that type of firearm, i only had to phone up and they could check there and then if the land was passed
  14. i cannot believe you edited that post already chalkie ,after less than 6 minutes, looks like i,m going to have to live on this forum just so i can gaze with wonder at your fast disapearing pictures there was a mention of a trap on here a few months back, from oz , i think , anyone know whether its any nearer to being sold on the open market? i know these things can take a while :whistle:
  15. i believe a well place trap will kill very quickly, if you can get your intended catch to put its paws so as to hit the pan properly, then a neck,chest or case catch is the result, which is what we want, as to the power i believe that its the shock that kills alot of the animals as well as the crushing /breaking of the animals neck /body, i have had loads of adult rabbits and once had a full grow hare in mk4,s set in small tunnels caught by the neck and dead , the traps in the hares case and a good few of the rabbits cases were hardly moved ,which tells me that the animal was dead in no time
  16. its you that makes them go awol, i was only wanting to show off as to how clever i am with these computers, and theres only enuff room under my pillow for kylie , britteny and paris, oh and that bird of the white snake video
  17. don,t flatter yourself , it wasn,t that good :kiss:
  18. i got one of those off woodga last year , it seems to work ok
  19. can,t say i have noticed any difference in the fireing , but i would say fenns are a bit stronger than springers and they seem to keep the strength for longer, its all about how you set them
  20. the picture on that link is of a pair of mk6 fenns not mk 4,s as it states, they cannot be making much at all on them at that price, hardly worth the effort, the cheap imports have a very fine chain and are very shiney with no stamp on the pan, ebay is flooded out with them and cheap crappy mole traps
  21. we don,t have the mink around we used to have , i think its because of the numbers of otters we have, i just got my first mink job in 2 years at the weekend on a local pond, i set both fenns and bodygrips 2 days ago ,nothing yet but i,ll get the buggers, all traps for mink should have a drowning wire on, just incase its not a perfect catch, i don,t use cages as i think they cause too much stress to the trapped animal, i have had loads of mink over the years with broken teeth and nails ,sometimes thou you have no choice , like gardens with pets and small children
  22. not bad , whats he like a trapping moles
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