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Everything posted by moley

  1. there was summat on telly ,last night i think ,on deer stalking , or included a bit of stalking , anyone see it or record it,cheers
  2. i got a job in a country pub kitchen a few years back , staff had seen a rat running about , landlord wanted it trapping as he didn,t want a bad smell it it died somewhere inaccesable, so i set traps in the only place that the staff or landlords dogs wouldn,t go, the cellar, there was a big gap under the door to the cellar and ratty was often seen running to or from this door, after about a week of bugger all , the landlord went off on his hols , leaving his ma in law running the pub , she had a proper pampered yorkie terrier , 1st morning in the place , i get a call to say this horrid yappy l
  3. no richie it was just a few days away ,the master was keeping us right , and teaching ratcherman to snare a time to polish up me snaring ,me fence wires resembled a 50p peice nothin new new there i hear him say theres always one who notices thats two slapped wrists ,at least they caught rabbits were stunned with the fine painting those traps and snares are painted that color so that any woodbe thief coming across them would think"only an amateur would paint stuff that crappy color , so them traps and snares arn,t worth nicking" clever bloke that woodga dude
  4. dunno , was convinced it was the hedgie did the first rabbit, due to the tracks in front of the pp and the body on the road , the second rabbit was eaten a similar way and me caught the cat just about 30 yards from the second rabbit , using the rabbit as bait, prehaps the cat ate the first rabbit and the hedgie was second on the scene or didn,t want to enter the pp with a trap set in it, these pp,s are such that when the gripper fires , it throws the trap out of the pp and with such a small rabbit it could have thrown it far enuff that the cat didn,t go anywhere near the pp and leave any track
  5. nowt in the cage today and took the rabbit traps up too, my work here is done
  6. had a feral cat this morning in the cage, about 50 yards from the last eaten rabbit , there was also a big healthy dead rabbit in a trap not 5 yards from the cage , dunno if the cat was in before or after the rabbit got caught, reset the cage , looks like it might not have bin a hedgie after all that ate either rabbit , we all keep learning
  7. Now that does sound like rats, Moler. Or maybe there's just more hotchi's in the area mate? How about getting some cubbie's down and having a crack at catching the culprit? Be fasinating and a lesson for all of us to find out for sure what's doing it. Incidentally; You ever noticed how amazingly close to hedgehog a rats tracks can look? I've made that mistake myself before now. Suspecting hotchi, I've read rat tracks as theirs Happens! got a cage set straight away,then if it is a hedgehog i can release it these tracks were bigger than any rat i have ever seen, but i see what
  8. twas a fooking great hedgehog aswell , it was flattened on the road about 10 yards from the dead rabbit had another this morning about 200 yds away, same way eaten,this time everything upto the back gone and the head eaten off, this one was pulled down the hole rather than out the hole, so i,m just wondering if it was a bloody great hedgehog,the other one had hedghog tracks all over the place , so i assumed it was the bugger flattened on the road,no tracks around this one as its all grass
  9. just general varmint traps ,three different sizes, probably for mink squirrels etc , they could be set on holes runs and the like
  10. in my younger days , i experimented with a few guides,girl guides :kiss:
  11. moley

    Rabbit Calling

    first surround yourself with traps of various type and size (tom and jerry style) sit there with rifle and shotty with snares hanging of your elbows and a leash of dogs in your mouth , then blow your call by sticking it up your ....nose , i bet you get a mink by xmas :rap:
  12. 1.thats a tube trap from the usa , its used for squirrels, mink ,rats and the like,exellent rat trap :whistle: apparently 2 they a naco bodygrip traps, again from the usa just above the tube trap is a savauge(spelling) marten trap
  13. moley

    Rabbit Calling

    lost count of the times iv been out squeaking for foxs and rabbits come running in. (normally around this time of year and always full grown bunnies) think its called maternal instinct oldskool thats exactly what it is , done it loads of times, this time of year when theres loads of young bunnies and hares about, had adults run full tilt at me from inside cover, when i squeeked at a young rabbit to get it to put its head up for a shot, had a few roe does come in too
  14. twas a fooking great hedgehog aswell , it was flattened on the road about 10 yards from the dead rabbit
  15. i should have waited til i had bin up to woodga,s place tonite, i,m gonna clean his shed out i hope he does come home
  16. just some pics of the wire fronts i mentioned before and about putting a jump stick infront of the trap in a rail tunnel(not that good to see in the pic) the rat was in a tunnel with a wire front and the trap set imediatly behind the wire, just to show a good humane case catch,cheers shitty
  17. it could be the same hedgehog your catching, if its a male , take it out the area , if its a female you best let her be as she may have young about
  18. i know we are a bit old for quessing games , but if there are thousands of "word game"players on here , i,ll let you keep at it, your all wrong
  19. for once moletrapper , i agree i sent shitty a picture of a rabbit in a gripper,eaten by summat, i think he will put it up later, when he gets out of bed
  20. or 2" sqaure weld mesh over the entrances, mine are cut the size of the tunnel and i leave two legs on the bottom to push in the ground to steady the mesh, it keeps out hedgehogs , birds and most young rabbits, that can be a pain in spring and summer, stoats rats and squirrels have no fear of hopping thru the squares, i also place the trap just inside the overhang of the tunnel , so that when a varmint hops thru the square it drops straight on the plate and you get clean catches,
  21. interseting stuff micky, i got 2 dozen pp,s a few weeks back , but havn,t had chance to use them yet, did you air them out as they have a real bad plasticy smell?or straight from the bag
  22. it was made 10x10 because thats the size the mesh came in and as im a lazy bugger i thought sod it, 10x10 it will be fair enuff
  23. very well made trap, would it not be easier to make a smaller cage for mink (say 6x6 ), than make one that size so an otter can get in ?not having a go , just a suggestion
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