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Everything posted by moley

  1. have they banned "mince "pies
  2. you should learn to be quiet woodga
  3. putting this up for a mate 2 red fawn bitch lurcher pups, 10 weeks old , sire = laguna whippet /greyhound x collie /whippet /greyhound, dam = collie /whippet /greyhound, working parents 2 patterdale dog pups , 12 weeks old, gould /redrock lines , working working parents durham area pm me for mate phone number
  4. In the spring when the barley fields are sprouting, moley sometimes makes long runs where he pushes the earth up and doesn't tend to make heaps. At 10 am if you take a look he might be working, pushing up more at the end. It is dark soil. You can tiptoe very gently (Very Gently)and insert a spade behind him and he's yours. Then follow Ditches advice as they can bite.. Where I live, moles tend to work 10 am 3 pm ish, odd I know. round here there on 2-10 ,10-6 and 6-2 shifts Ok I asked for that. and glad you took it in the way it was intended , round here most farming folk be
  5. In the spring when the barley fields are sprouting, moley sometimes makes long runs where he pushes the earth up and doesn't tend to make heaps. At 10 am if you take a look he might be working, pushing up more at the end. It is dark soil. You can tiptoe very gently (Very Gently)and insert a spade behind him and he's yours. Then follow Ditches advice as they can bite.. Where I live, moles tend to work 10 am 3 pm ish, odd I know. round here there on 2-10 ,10-6 and 6-2 shifts
  6. Is that right?? I was thinking i would have to bury them in the garden till next season. i did a garden a few weeks back , similar thing , the folks had surfed and the info said , mothballs and/or jeyes fluid , neither worked , so me sets two traps and as i prefer to have at least 3-4 traps in a garden job, so i,m not to-ing a fro-ing, i wanted another place , so i sets in the jeyes fluid area , next visit , bingo , jeyes fluid trap caught ,
  7. i once bought a small pup off a non working bitch and the dog had "done a bit of rabbiting "i wanted the pup for marking rabbit and rat holes , she turn out to be probably one of the most determined bitches i have ever had to ground, got up close and personal and was dug to plenty of times, she stood at 10 inch and weighted 10 pounds , good luck or man maketh dog ?
  8. thats what a mate of mind said when i put locks on all my runs, the thing is it slows them down or at least makes a lot of noise that can get someones attention and they may just nick the ones from down the road instead, it can stop the opportunists
  9. most dogs will kill a rat or a rabbit, but not all ,and there are standards that we all have as well as the digging boys , i have seen plenty of video of lads digging with upto 3 terriers to ground at once , are these working terriers cos they have to work in a gang ,just cos it don,t go to ground ,don,t make it a non-worker , i use my dogs for rats and rabbits , its my job , so they do a job of work , they will also go to ground and graft , but i tend to not let them these days , cos i cannot afford to have them off work for any period of time, they are still working terriers
  10. iff they work for you that's all that matters sensible words ,
  11. live traps , set when your there and door fastened open and well baited when your not, reds will go into dark underground holes , like what shitty is on about
  12. i get a few alive now and then , what you want em for ?
  13. where do you get your information about a cat being a pedigree or that if its on you property you can despatch it , harddigging ?
  14. nice camp posture there woodga, where you having difficulties with your sexuality ? :kiss: :kiss:
  15. his name was george hogg , he wrote a book , i think it was called "rural pestcontrol "or summat like that
  16. thanks bud you may find that bethel rhodes no longer deals with the public ,they have some sort of deal with killgerm that stops them sellling over the counter ,unless things have changed
  17. we used to wire small trout for pike fishing bait many years ago , could easily have netted them , but it was more fun, an old boy in our village is a dab hand at it , he used to do it in daylight aswell on a local stream for trout and grayling, he always calls it a sling and its made from a single strand of rabbit snare wire on the end of a stick , he always walked about with a thumb stick and a wire in his pocket just incase he saw a fish laid
  18. don,t give up before you start , if you only get a few traps , start at one side and work you way round, just cos there are loads of hills don,t mean there are loads of moles , its all down to how much food is available
  19. No problemmo mate...just mulling over whether to show my wife this last post........your lucky she was in a good mood that night .....I know one thing...she,ll be able to set a mink snare...punch in a pocket set and generally trap all manner of furbearers in another couple of days "viewing"....when,s the next batch coming!!!!! if i send anymore , they will be on hair do,s and handbags , not that i have any dvd,s on womens stuff you understand :kiss:
  20. if you think that scary , you wanna talk to mapreaders wife on the phone i ain,t looking for any records , just got mapreader to put it up for the hell of it , incidently , i weighted it (sad , i know), 1lb 4 oz , not the fattest rat i have ever trapped but certainly one of the heaviest, thanks for putting up the pics ,square eyes
  21. hi giro i also buy my traps from the flatpackcompany well made british traps you might also want tolook at this site www.warrenfarm.co.uk they sell a cd.rom on how to set and fine tune aduffus trap they also sell a probe to locate the runs the answer to your question is simply yes! these foriegn traps have weak springs and will not last 5minutes! and badly designed! I am a professional pestie from Sussex and I always buy the best traps !an old saying springs to mind "penny wise pound foolish"You also want to buy the video by Wayne Walton P.O.Box 72 Darlington DL1 9AQ absolutely brilliant my m
  22. i use the sidekicks myself and a good box they are for the money, but why don,t the box makes have a universal key to fit all boxes and put the lock on the side rather than on the top where leaves and debri gets into the workings
  23. i have always done quite well with spice or aniseed flavour on my wheat, i fill the hoppers from august onwards and find that the birds will return to the feeders once the wild food crop is gone, works for me
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