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Everything posted by moley

  1. hi bob i,m just packing in with pest control after 20 years, i do all rural and all within 20 miles of home, i do about farms for moles and 30 farms for rats and a handful of other stuff , foxes , squirrels and more and more rabbits , i only ever advertised for about a year in the local paper and had flyers up in the local farmers marts, never had to advertise since , all bin done thu word of mouth, hope this helps...moley
  2. why not set two traps and double your chances , or even gang set , so the mink has nowhere to go but in a trap, put a bodygrip in the stream its self , it wouldn,t take much fencing in , those mink have two things to worry about , old age and starvation
  3. i couldn,t afford you :kiss: , where the f**k you been? i was gonna send out a search party , someone said you had set up a leper colony in outer mongolia ,i couldn,t believe you didn,t ask me to go
  4. new 110 bodygrips ,slight bit of surface rust on some due to storing ,not chinese copies ,sold in boxes of 12, £45 per box inc postage, pm,s for details
  5. single and double tealer , 6 strand and pegged, there a few 4 strand aswell , most are used and will need a bit of tidying up, £30 for 50 ,£45 for 100 inc postage , i,m not sell less than 50 at a time, cheques cashed before they are sent , po,s sent straight away, first come first serve, no buggering about
  6. i saw one called up on sunday, trouble was , the stalker didn,t have enuff patience
  7. i want a re-count donk , will you show me how to stretch those rats for the picture or tell me where you got your dolls house tape measure ?
  8. £15 -£20 per hour is about the going rate for round here for a self employed sole trader, one off jobs are usually charged per job or priced accordingly, i suppose it also depends in which part of the country you are
  9. thats all i fish for these days...and fail miserably
  10. no need to feel sorry for me , i have made good money over the years , but am just ready for a change, for the last two years my heart has just not been in the job of trapping moles rats etc and going round the farm rodent contracts every month,and i always promised myself i would pack it in when i didn,t want to go to work in the morning , that time has come......one other small thing has swayed my decision... i got a full time rabbit catchers job on 17,000 acres of prime rabbit country , now i,m looking forward to getting to work in the morning , roll on 1st feb
  11. good luck to anyone starting up , i,m getting out of it after 20 years of working for farmers that think you can work for nothing and then wait 2 months to get paid, don,t get me wrong , theres plenty of farmers out there that just about chase you down the field with thier cheque book , but not many , never bothered to go down the domestic,s route , seems thats where the money is, i prefer my own company and don,t like looking round peoples house , the open countryside is where i like to be
  12. going good , averaging 50 head per shoot , wild birds and a few rabbits ,woodcock etc
  13. no mate just oxfam casual , i might let you all come again next year if ya learn to shoot straight woodga was on top form and only missed two birds all day , until i reminded him of a few more he missed
  14. my wife used to record go fishing while i was fishing and me and my mate would sit and watch it on getting home
  15. best tell rob we are starting at 9 , then he might just get here for 10
  16. i,ll be safe if last time is owt to go by, how many shots for how many kills ?
  17. moley


    i don,t think they realise that this country of ours is the way it is cos of farmers and landowners
  18. i was going to put an arsey comment on , but if you muppets are willing to go out and "enjoy "yourselves in that for "sport " then you deserve every hard earned rabbit, i have sat about and got fat , not as fat as" lardy " but working on it, no point in blowing myself out just yet
  19. i have bid on a bit of his stuff , always get outbid, by another bidder from hull?? i just put on what i,m prepared to pay and leave it at that , if i win , i win , i,m not bidding against his mates
  20. some of the best days i have been too have bin in heavy rain and wind , doesn,t seem to bother the birds
  21. that first pic would suggest that the soil has bin dug out from the inside , probably a rat or rabbit , similar in the second pic and sticks in the traps are just what the keepers do when they havn,t time to check the traps everyday
  22. yes , but not with a dozen snares , just the one on each leaning pole , good in areas that might get "troubled "by passers-by , most just walk past and see nothing , unless you catch
  23. mine are not waterproof , the coat let in after about 6 months and the trousers let in after 3 days , so i sent them back and got a another pair that lasted 4 days , mind this is kneeling down setting traps all day
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