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Everything posted by moley

  1. good stuff there rolfe , another thing that helps is to put a solid plug of earth under where the trigger plate will go , this makes the mole push on the plug and set the trap off sooner , and you get a good clean catch around the chest and not around the hips , this idea is from the way u s trappers set "out o sight" traps
  2. So on and so forth. That aimed at me, Mole? not at all , i sent you those as a gift , to help you out , just like i have sent other lads stuff
  3. so if i was to send you a sample fox snare with the hope that you were going to buy 200 would you be happy if sent you a crap one that didn,t run and was just about guaranteed to snap and the stop was 20 inches from the eye , not a hope in hell of catching anything but a rhino, of course you wouldn,t buy any
  4. could be , but they shouldn,t send out samples of older models as it looses them orders, could you put up a pic of a fenn for comparison please?
  5. Bit harsh, Moles? ONE example of a brand new trap? Blimey, mate, do ye run XP? Only look at the 'teething troubles' they had with that. Yet 95% of us now have it and use it. You should see some of the weird shit Frank Sawyer got through, before the world settled down to its love affair with his Final " Imbra " trap. harsh or not , that is a fault and a bloody big one , if solway want to send me thier one and only faulty trap then thats whats going to loose them the order,(looks like john got the other one) i was interested in getting 200 of these , and i did try to bend the
  6. i got a sample mk6 trap off solway with regards to buying a good lot and tho the price was good there are bits about the trap i don,t like , mostly its the same as a fenn , strong spring, brass dog and catch , but if you take a sideways look at the solways , you can see that the round bar and the flat bar do not come anything like close to closing up properly , there a gap of about 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch, i think this part of the trap is the most important as it is this bit that kills the rabbit , if its caught by body and neck then a quick kill might be on the cards,but i catch alot by just th
  7. i got one a while ago no, cracking little gun , i,m used to a semiauto and have to think "pump"after every shot , good with 2"shells for rats and ferals around farm buildings and gardens had a look at a 20 bore version this week , horrible , way off ballance and not nearly as comfortable as the 410 , was thinking of getting the 20 bore version but not going to bother now
  8. yes , you clever sod and i waited almost 25 year to catch my first white mole , made up for it since
  9. got who it is now , george doors , you almost had me going off on one there you little monkey
  10. dug out loads over the years one farmer was watching one day and said he wasn,t paying for that one cos i didn,t set a trap , i said , i,m a molecatcher and it don,t matter which way i catch em ,greedy b*****d, i used to try to dig in and flick the bugger out but catch rate was crap , so i started healing them in and flattening them to the floor of the tunnels same as you done, give you that bit longer to get the spade to work ,still missed plenty mind many years ago i used to carry a folding 20 bore just to shoot any that were working
  11. had a similar thing myself , set trap and stood up , bang , dead mole, had a load that i chased in ,mole working at the end of a line of hills and set a trap 6 ft away and then start thumping the ground at the last hill and they go in , once did my 4 cuts with the spade , flicked the turf out and the second cut had whopped it on the back and killed it
  12. thats where they are located TOMO AND MOLEY JUST FOR YOU I USE AN ELECTRIC MINCER from the tihs to this and the finished dog food must addmit i had a little help from ratcherman mind it was only a little help what do you mean , YOU use electric mincer , thats not you in the pic unless you lost 4 stone and had a face lift :kiss: :kiss:
  13. And talking of 'pop',...is it the late night drink that causes folk to be so aggressive and say such hurtful things,.or are they just naturally mean... i don,t drink , so must be naturally mean
  14. i cannot remember the name of the perpertrator as it was a good while ago , i wasnt trying to dig up old greivances , just gave the reasons i was told by the man that he left the forum in question, so long as its sorted this forum is getting way to much for a bloke like me , all sensative like
  15. common the whin , do a vid , lets see your way
  16. are you making that for me to return all them favours ?, good lad
  17. time of year richie , the little fellas are really on the move , if the garden is surrounded by land that has no control going on , it could be a long term thing , them moles are there cos the garden obviously has a supply of worms and the tunnels are there , next mole along only has to work thru the tunnels for food or looking for loving
  18. just tell me when your out and i,ll clean your shed out for ya
  19. I hope that they have less trouble than I did getting hold of them direct from the manufacturer in NZ!!! OTC patience grasshopper , i,m just waiting til they are easy to get hold of
  20. i hope its a hand crank , he could do with the exercise :kiss: by the way moley he is puting those nice ash logs in the picture to wind me up, if he was gentleman at all he would be bringing them up here for me , also there is a lot people using these running poles to kill squirrels now , its a very efficient and cost effective method . he,s hiring a van and bringing the all down here next saturday ,so unfortunatly there,s none left to go north of the border
  21. havn,t read the article at all and fair play , you got a point , if i thought you were talking bullshit , i would say , it just seemed as if it was more of a character assasination than anything else , like i said , he has always bin sound with me and i speak as i find you should write an article , as i would be interested to see how different lads from around the country do different things, even small details can make a big difference, i have had quite a few arguments on here with quite a few lads and maybe i should just shut my big fat mouth , til next time
  22. it wasn,t john hubery that that quoted what was said about the poisoning , it was me, read the posts i was only passing on what was said to me as to the reason he left the forum in question, if i,m wrong then i appologise , it was said to me not long after the time it was supposed to happen ,
  23. Its a shame more folk dont feel this way i don,t think it matters wether we agree or disagree , the lad is making a living from shows , ferreting , dvd,s , articles and bloody good luck to him , i have always found him polite and willing to spend time talking , if you don,t agree with what he says or writes then pen an article yourself and lets send a hanging party after you, i certainly wouldnt want to stand infront of hundreds of "experts" and give a demo i don,t blame him from leaving the other forum as a while back he got into a debate about ferret finders and in the end some
  24. i hope its a hand crank , he could do with the exercise :kiss:
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