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Everything posted by moley

  1. i,m getting a test drive tommorow, thanks for the advice
  2. cheers for that , apparently its a tdr model ??
  3. got the chance of an air arms s410 ags ? in .22,with 3 mags , buddy bottle , hard carry case , 1000 pellets, bi pod , for £500 , is it worth it ? what they like ? also looked at a crossman ratcatcher in 22 , look like a kids toy ,what they like ? cheers
  4. can you show me again cos i,m a bit thick
  5. was talking to the neighbouring farmer of the field were one lot of muppets were on thurday , he spent a good deal of friday chasing sheep back off cornland and into his grass fields as some idiot had left a gate open
  6. you never know them anti's will stop at nothing most motorists don,t even see you , they are looking forward , if they do see you its to late to work out what you are doing, i have worked on road side many times and not had any bother
  7. just to add to this boiling pot , these lads do not have permission and the farmer concerened will definatly not have asked them on his land as he like to see the hares around i can understand wanting rid of hares if they are doing damage , but these are not and most hare damage is small area,s out in the middle of fields as hares browse , then move on a yard or two and browse a bit more, where as rabbit damage is mostly around the headland in concentrated areas where the crop can struggle anyway, plus those little bundles of fur are out all day eating
  8. i seem to put this up at this time every year , why the hell do these idiots run hares in the summmer , never see them in winter , always at this time of year, seen 2 lots round here in the last 4 days
  9. you got your vid sorted then ? glad you enjoyed it
  10. The RSPB warden has no rights to enter private land period..... I would write a strongly worded letter of complaint to whoever is in charge of this moron and leave them in no doubt that should it happen again you will bring a prosecution for trespass. Rolfe you could also bring a prosecution for trespass of goods , which is part of the theft act, which basically means , he is not allowed to interfear with a legal method of pest control
  11. Is that the one from Girls Aloud? girls aloud ,mmmm....nice had a few whites , a few silvers and 1 brown mole over the years , also have one in the freezer with a white patch on its belly and a white dot on its head
  12. personally , i would leave it as is and have a bit of patience, its up a hight and theres a bird sat on the top , which is a start, its still early enuff in the year yet
  13. moley you c@@t after all them nice wires i gave you ill have to have a nip over to your end that way ill be able to raid your shed next time you using those wires yet or are they just for show and you forgot a reciept when you need a hand just shout thanks moley for the warning , he was just wearing nothing but the apron was he, no wonder he was asking me to go down for a bit of snaring. yep , nothing but the apron , he,s a proper perv you will get an invite when i get my bike , i can,t get a reception on my mobile to phone the air ambulance when you start to hike up
  14. you look good in that apron , was told to say that by your "partner" ratcherman , just one thing , its a bit un-nerving when you walked in the kitchen and i saw that you were wearing the apron , and nothing else :sick:
  15. who tests traps for approval and where can you get the results from ? whats these supposed new regulations ? i was told today that the new trap tests will be that a trap must kill within 7 seconds , dunno if its right or not, do these tests rely on evidence from competent trappers or just some fool with a degree in animal behavior ? are the results from different trap settings or a standard way? thanks in advance , i,m sure some of you lads on here will be able to find the answers
  16. that lot makes more sense than most of the posts on THL
  17. this is not a critisism , as i no longer do moles , but it looks to me like you have the trigger to one side rather than central , does this mean you set it that way and if so , what if a mole comes in from the other direction , its gonna get caught my the hips ?
  18. moley

    new material

    thats the last time you get into my shed
  19. had a couple of weasels ,a small bitch stoat and two water voles, unfortunatly, one was a double with a mole, when i used scissor traps many years ago , i used to catch quite a few mice and field voles
  20. moley

    new material

    well it started as just going to be a 5-10 yrd stop net, but then i thought feck it just keep going, but im only at the 25 yrd mark , and i want to do a 100 to set at 50. because it was only going to be a stop net for ferreting, i only did it 10 meshes high , so now im going to put a salvage mesh iether side making 12 high. well i looked at it last night , then looked back at the telly i will finish it one day , like you said hats of to the guys that just keep on going i got it set up so i can look at the telly at the same time as knitting, i used to spend most winter night
  21. bugger , did that twice , f*****g computers
  22. to save compressing soil on the washer type trigger on the mole traps , just take a pair of bolt cutters and cut at each side of the centre hole and the bottom drops out and you are now left with a couple of prongs , give them a wee file to smooth , and it works fine.by the way good clear pictures and info rolfe. i remember you telling me this years ago snareman , so i tried it with both scissor and fenn mole traps , i found the mole was getting to far into the trap and hitting the trigger with its back/shoulders and getting hip caught, tried just a bit cut out and half cut out and got simil
  23. moley

    new material

    snap , i got 10 spools of green for me long net and 2 spools of yellow for purse nets of john hubery about xmas time and am just about to go into my 7 th spool , what a bloody job , wish i hadn,t started the f*****g thing , but getting there now, hats off to the lads that do it regular how much you doing and how far to go ?
  24. i can see where your coming from and like you say , can,t judge a trap on its proto type , but this is a copy of a trap that has took 50 years to get right (your words)and now the copiers are still not getting the copies right , this is the only fault i can see with the trap , but as its the most important bit , its ...important , a young rabbit caught in the trap i was sent will not die straight away as the gap is too bloody big and will not crush neck or body and just hold the poor thing, i only caught one big rabbit around the neck and took the trap up because it was a live , which i fi
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