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Everything posted by moley

  1. looking for a little help on the law regarding quads , do you have to wear a helmet on private land , ? can you carry a passanger on private land ? cheers
  2. is it deep enuff? The law specifies a "tunnel" ,something that any reasonable person will recognize as having a far more substantial overhang than some of the pathetic little "archways " that some folk claim satisfies the criteria. As Matt the Rat ,Rolfe and others have mentioned the tunnels aid the proper functioning of the traps as well as acting as an attractant for target species by their very design . Part of trapping is about setting traps in a way that non-target catches are minimalized as far as possible. The Law does recognise this need and any trapper who does'nt
  3. best to go and take a look at the field , it will all depend on rabbit traffic
  4. simple questions , straight forward answers , thanks for that
  5. Nice fish!!! yeah exactly! What the f**k is it doing lay on the f*****g stone!!! Where is your unhooking mat!! Jesus!! Thank god i wasnt there! or any other descent pike angler! i have fished with ferreter1888 for pike on numerous occassions and all pike have been returned to the water un harmed and fighting fit. so just because you can afford all the gear dont take it out on others who have perfectly good tecniques of handling and releasing fish. i don,t thik its about cost , you can easily lay a fish on anything soft and wet , an old towel , plastic bags , wet grass , money
  6. matt , can you tell me exactly where you got your info as i knew i had read about the "within an overhang" bit somewhere , but couldn,t think were i,m not a fan of the kania , but as i understand it , it is housed in its own tunnel/cubby as the kill bar is within the tunnel/cubby, not looking for an argument , but that is how i see it these laws should be clearer even if only to save arguments on here food for thought , does the law mean the whole of a set trap has to be in a tunnel or just part of it, i set all my traps in the tunnel/hole as i find they catch better anyway, but the
  7. no offence but if i were you i wouldn,t bother getting any if you don,t want to do too much , because this can lead to them being neglected , they are a responsability just like any other livestock, they need cleaning , handling , water , food and general health, smell is caused by filthy housing which in turn can lead to bad health, best to look into the care before you see if you have the time ,good on ya for asking first
  8. always best to play safe and use a tunnel , even if its not very long
  9. trouble is now bill , you got some more to make of the 40 odd rabbits in that net so far , only one has bounced off And heres me thinking that i had come up with the Ultimate Trammel Ah well back to the drawing board!! .. i think 1 in 40 isn,t to bad ratio, room for improvement , but still not bad
  10. totally agree, however like was asked before , whats a tunnel ?, i know a lad setting traps on ledges for mink under a railway tunnel , it was in a tunnel , true, not my way , but i suppose it was set perfectly legally in a tunnel, loop holes in the law ?
  11. well as you know i run about 100 bg,s at a time in certain situations and find that tho they work in burrow mouths they are not as good as fenns , for other situations like under fences , thru cover etc , they are far better that fenns, i wouldn,t waste my time and effort setting them if i didn,t think they worked better , e.cook , you should give them a try , you might just change your mind Hi Moley, i have tried and tested BGs in place of Fenn traps on numerous occasions, at one point running just under 200 at a time and i didnt get as good results as with the Fenn traps i was using
  12. hi ed if you are going to quote the law then get it right ,the law states that a trap must be set within the overhang of a natural or artificial tunnel, that trap in the second picture has the spring set straight up , so that the trap is within the overhang and within the law , the foliage is over the trap to encourage the rabbit to push thru ,not to hide a badly set trap, i got the idea from seeing straw blown over the hole mouth and the rabbits were pushing thru, just cos you don,t like bodygrips don,t try and be-little my ways of setting traps ,if you want to know methods then ask , just
  13. so your asking for help with your snaring and at the same time giving advice to others ???? only pointing out things that others may have missed but there is always room to learn isnt there moley and i for one would rather learn from others experience, so are you offering or just complaining? passing comment , i have always thought it best to learn from those with experience,
  14. so your asking for help with your snaring and at the same time giving advice to others ????
  15. trouble is now bill , you got some more to make of the 40 odd rabbits in that net so far , only one has bounced off i have some jbs and some brinded trammels , they won,t get used much more once bill has made me some more of his squre meshes jobbies
  16. some pics from today mate 1st 1 is the tag ends to attatch to poles , tape on the top to stop them pulling off a couple of netted rabbits , obviously dead before i took the pic jimmy digging in boney ground finally tally 54 they wern,t bolting today for the nets , most were to dig
  17. I think we both know that you're one of the few. The fact that you know your craft inside and out puts you head and shoulders above your competitors. But could you do the same job in London? Or Birmingham? Manchester? Plenty of calls for cockroaches and bedbugs, but moles and rabbits? I accept you did it, and did it well, but you're in the minority of people that have been able to do it that way. It's a nice ambition but the reality is one of driving a Transit Connect and arguing with salesmen. Unless you're good. i think would struggle to trap moles and rabbits in london, , living
  18. there are some frosts on the ay , you should be able to see the runs again once he frost has gone will the frost "burn" the runs into the grass? but dont the bunies stay close to the burrows when its frrosty? and unfortunately a lot of the burrows are in the field so there are no fence crossingzs only tram,pled burrows. How would you go about using a body grip close to a burrow???? Sorry for all the questions i'm still learning yip , the frost will kind of burn the grass , you will see bodygrips are best used in cover or under fences , you can put them on a run but th
  19. have a word with netrigger , he,s come up with a cracking idea
  20. i just started using them in the last month , i found most of the time they are accurate , but occasionally they can give a reading of say 4ft when you dig down its nearer 3 ft , you got to get used to the pitches of noise aswell as the lights and reading , i like em
  21. well i did it , i used traditional methods on most pests exept insects, never touched them for years, but it is a job , not a hobby , big big difference , you get all the shit after the local experts have had a go for free, still do it now , but for one person and concentrate on rabbits , ferrets traps snares dogs shooting , everything but gassing, go for it ,you just might do ok
  22. supposed to be very good eating not much on them mate.... even smaller than a partridge..... bigger than snipe tho ,good things come in small bundles, might shoot one to try it , lapwings are very good eating, apparently
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