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Everything posted by moley

  1. don,t know about trap shy , i don,t think animals know its a trap , its just something that wasn,t there yesterday or shouldn,t be there , i think its down to smell /sense , touch whatever but they all make mistakes at some point
  2. moley


    you must be loaded dont spend it all at once ...lol does it pay well... wage and perks add up very nicely thank you
  3. moley


    Moley,..You have been waiting to say that for ALL of your life Goodonya mate,... All the best to you ,.and yours,.CHALKWARREN... [/img] true
  4. moley


    full time rabbit catcher, i have to spend all day catching rabbits , out with the dogs and ferrets today , might set some traps and snares tommorow, rotten job but someone has to do it
  5. the ones you are thinking of tomo are called mole-x traps , not much use for moles , i sent mind up to glenn , he thinks they are strong enuff to be able to kill squirrels, i tried a small rbg once , it didn,t catch , i reckon it would work well on rats , always fancied trying the bigger 6" rbg for rabbits
  6. Are you a gingerist mate to me thats a white or albino , the colouration is due to staining , i have had a few that were everything from that colour to proper white, i shot an ermine a couple of weeks back with similar colour staining of the fur, no matter what colour you want to call it i reckon they are pretty rare
  7. A guy on tackle trader.com has got 3 x delkins and sounder box and leads for £125 bargain mate he is in kent but will post cheers johnnyboy , i,m sorted now just ordered meself a set of fox eos-r , not delkims i know , but on offer and about my budget and recomended by one of the lads in the syndicate i,m in
  8. i bet the lad just didn,t want to see anymore rabbits snared around the guts and therefore took the snares and rabbits so woodga didn,t put up anymore embarrasing pictures
  9. looks like i,m getting delkims then , so whats the difference between say ev plus and txi,s ?
  10. something similar happened to me a couple of years back , but the vet only charged about £4 extra just to add , i,m sure if the a quote was given and there was extra work or the bill is going to be almost 10 times the quote, the customer should be consulted before the extra work is carried out, i think she should be consulting trading standards
  11. anyone have any exerience with tf gear, in particular the bite alarms but any of the gear in general, cheers
  12. what are the springers like and where do you get them from are they cheaper than fenns. i know i sound tight but there is a credit crunch you know? i got a sample solway mk 6 and it was certainly strong , but there were issues with the design that i did not like and the trap only held and did not kill rabbits , i hope they have bin improved
  13. maybe a side entry could work meaning a sqig would enter it in a similar way to a floor tunnel, just a though give it a go horizontal ones are very likely to trap birds entering for the food, like otc says , they catch well and humanely kill
  14. we ended the session on 47 rabbits not bad for a bunch of amateurs , as a professional , i ,m getting used to far bigger bags ,we had 124 yesterday , nothing even showing sign,s of being kittled, keep trying woodga , one day you could be as good a me
  15. i was shown something similar many years ago and they work , biggest trouble is they are easily seen and once one is found by joe public , they will find the rest , certainly stops the billy,s from interfearing
  16. those that were drifted were dug into drifts next to the road and the snow just blew back in , snows starting togo now so it shouldn,t be a problem
  17. more likely to be a brown rat , first signs of mink are no watervoles and no waterhens , seems to be the first things they kill
  18. another 14 today , so its certainly working , a couple of cages were part filled with snow and the doors didn,t drop right down , so some escaped , i also moved the ones that are not catching to an area near a sheep feeder that has producd 4 from 4, twice and 3 from 4 today, i fasted he cages open , baited them well and will set them all again monday, thanks for the help
  19. those nails are far too clean , we shall have to something about that
  20. not quite 3 per cage , but i set 28 cages on tuesday , took 2 out befor i came home , 9 the following morning and 11 today , so its worked quite well , trouble is one of the keepers told me this afternoon that some were almost blown over with snow so not expecting too much in the morning
  21. i have had hundreds of ££,s worth of gear nicked over the years ,it happens alot , try asking around the workforce or if anyone has rabbiting ratting , shooting permish being as it happened over the weekend
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