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Everything posted by moley

  1. Alright mate the best 2 man dome value for money i think is the Cypry dome about £ mate its massive bloody hell , i didn,t think they would still make cypry domes , mine must be over 10 year old , i now use a tf gear 2 man pop up , a fair bit bigger than a cypry dome and got mine thru amazon for £129 delivered and a piece of piss to put up
  2. no need for a post on comparisons , commertial rigged trammels are shite compared to yours bill, but at the time , thats what was available , i know even with 1 escapee theres room for improvement , by the way , the dog did catch the escapee,
  3. i use trammels for all my daylight work and have caught several hundred with some nets that netrigger made me , i have had 1 bounce off , i thought the idea was to catch the rabbit , I was only giving my advise to the fellow im sure he said advise I have caught 100s of rabbits but just because its a trammel does not mean it catchs 100% and I didnt say any thing about bouncing off but when a rabbit is caught in the trammel its not going anyway at the end of the day I was giving advise not to be put under the micro scope and have your sarcastic comments good day. wasn,t aimed at
  4. i use trammels for all my daylight work and have caught several hundred with some nets that netrigger made me , i have had 1 bounce off , i thought the idea was to catch the rabbit ,
  5. i saw one of those traps up close a few weeks back i don,t think they will hold an adult fox , fer too weakly built
  6. me and you must have bin watching different video,s , it was the hawk flapping its way to the water dragging the maggie with it , just makes you wonder if the hawk knew what it was doing , good clip
  7. about 2 years ago i was asked to catch the mink on there , it wasn,t mink that were killing and eating 20lb + carp , twas an otter , prints and shit everywhere , obviously i couldn,t do anything about it , a few weeks after i had bin two council officials spent a coule of hours on the internet and half a day round the ponds and told everyone it was mink , seems i had just wasted 20 odd years as a pester ,
  8. we have had mixi since last summer , all thru winter and its still about
  9. Im not saying your not right mate, BUT how can someone releasing a fox be done for theft. NO ONE owns the fox. Its a wild animal. its impossible to steal a wild animal surely? personally i doubt if it would stand up in a court of law. If the builders could see the fox then the lads should have been able to see the site the builders were on and not snared within eye-shot..... But, we have all been young and perhaps not always thought about the consequences of our actions...... personally, i would treat it as a learning curve... and a close shave....JD not sure about w
  10. But if the snare wasnt removed it wouldnt be......I dont hink... its not the theft of the snare its the theft of and interfearence with the animal caught in a trap/snare that is set legally , basically its to stop people interfearing , same rule applies to releasing birds from larson traps, bin there, got the tee shirt
  11. interfearing with a legally set snare comes under the theft act 1954 , its called "tresspass of goods" as i understand it
  12. don,t worry martin , we understand , some things are just out of our control , at least you have bin honest about the delay , i for one are looking forward to my freebee , as i have moved house you will need my new address so ill pm it to you , i will wait until you get the paying customers out of the way before you send me my copy , good luck with the sales , i,m sure you will do ok and it will all work out for ya
  13. no offence , but why would you be taken on to control corvids when you have no experience of corvid control ?
  14. john, if you can come up with summat that makes life easier , i,m up for one , looking for something along the lines of a box with rucksack type straps , box about at the base of me back and summat to put rabbits in above for easy carrying, i can be working miles from me truck and carrying rabbits , gun , spade, nets ,etc for a distance can be a ball ache,small probe fixed to top/front of box ?? could be handy i,ll have a go myself then
  15. Was it some of the young nugget beaters by any chance Moley??? Get em off and ask if I can have a trial on there, there wont be any of that carry on. we are trying to work out who,s doing it ,one lot were a tenant farmers nephew, the farmer knows about it, the others will be getting stopped, nice try tomo ,don,t phone me , i,ll phone you
  16. john, if you can come up with summat that makes life easier , i,m up for one , looking for something along the lines of a box with rucksack type straps , box about at the base of me back and summat to put rabbits in above for easy carrying, i can be working miles from me truck and carrying rabbits , gun , spade, nets ,etc for a distance can be a ball ache,small probe fixed to top/front of box ?? could be handy
  17. on the estate where i work there are a few different lots of ferreters that work different areas , i,m forever finding holes dug and not filled back in , its not my job to follow round after these muppets and fill in there holes and i,m not getting blame for leaving holes open , so they will probably not be ferreting on there next season due to thier laziness
  18. float fished worm , chop up worms and caterpult them round your float at regular intervals, i,ll be watching you from above
  19. mink run from ferrets i,m interested to know how anyone can identify it as either feral ferret or wild polecat , most animals have a range of colours , i have yet to see an "almost black" polecat , wild or domestic , i would say by looking at the size , muscle build and conformation is the best way to identify whether its feral or wild, seems everyones an expert on polecats exept me
  20. i think the red fox is quite a bit smaller in the USA ,most are around 10-12 lb from what i,ve read
  21. personally i think you did the right thing , if these strange dogs had the mind to attack your pup then there wouldn,t be alot you could do, however as it happened they were obviously just curious , so you could put the pup down and let it socialise with the strangers without any risk
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