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Everything posted by moley

  1. looks like i better start moleing again ££££££££££££
  2. i have seem that trap tunnel on an american website or magazine, do they work for you?
  3. i don,t worry about scent on new traps , but a trap covered in something like diesel or siliage effluent would get washed off , everyone to thier own
  4. i would use a detergent on them,give them a good wash, hose them off then chuck them into running water for a week or so, diesel seems to repell a fair amount of animals
  5. without writing a book on here, your best bet is to get a copy of the moling dvd off fourteenacre, apparently its very good i wouldn,t use a roof tile to cover your traps
  6. i used to use nothing but duffus because they work, however in very dry conditions , the talpex work , i have also bin playing with the trapline type with good success, if i was setting hundreds like i used to , i would use duffus , however different conditions can mean different traps , it can be the difference between carrying on with your work or not, i am told that the trapline work well in frosts , something i used to have a huge problem with when using duffus traps moles do become aware of something , i don,t think they know its a trap , but they know something is not right , simply
  7. forget the main run , if you are getting traps filled , you are obviously getting the location correct, in dry conditions use talpex type traps and as has already bin said,fill around the trap with loose fine soil,
  8. havn,t had chance to use your supa lure yet, too busy shooting at the mo , i,ll give it a good work out this backend and yes , i,ll have those two jars also, did those nets work out alright ? , thats assuming you have got home by now and not still doing a circuit of the north east
  9. its not much fun taking fly blown and gassed up varmints out of traps, but someone has to do it and it beats having to get up that bit earlier to check traps/snares before work or after work, winter trapping is much better and having time to try different things is a big bonus, it would be nice to have a go at trapping other stuff like they have in the states, i don,t think durham is quite ready for packs of coyotes just yet
  10. i trap and snare year round , but its my job so i have no choice, we only ease off during shooting season
  11. whats dry ground ? never seen the stuff for months, its raining now and seems to rain every other day up north, the moles are working hard at the moment, i,m trapping them in me garden and the lawns at work, dunno what i,m up to now but theres plenty about
  12. you will need facial hair and not talk shite,do you think you fall into that catagory?
  13. why not just use fenns or bodygrips on runs? or are you just wanting to experiment with best bait?
  14. anyone using the trapline/steve albano type mole traps, i have used them in my garden quite a bit and am warming to them, i don,t think i will ever be able to set one as quickly as a half barrel , but at the moment i,m pretty impressed, any thoughts ?
  15. leave them alone til winter , most bats have summer roosts, (roof) and winter roost(dead tree)if you check they are not there in winter and then block up the hole , there won,t be a problem, personnaly i have lived in houses with summer bat roosts and have never worried about them
  16. Be sure to give that ego constant maintenance. Who knows what might happen if you stopped inflating it? theres plenty of stuff on here if you spend a bit of time looking, you did the right thing reading thru defra,s code , it shows you are wanting to learn the legal ways of doing things , thier code should be treated as a rough guide, there are plenty of things on it that i don,t agree with , but if you read glenn water,s articles on here and compare them to the code , that youtube clip sounds like it was made by a kid and is bollocks, don,t worry about people on here taking the piss , t
  17. see what happens when you use the correct term for things, a thick northerner don,t have a clue what your on about thanks again dudes, i,ll bear all the advice in mind next time something goes wrong , or just ask on here
  18. well its fixed , i give it a clean and buggered about with the knurled black ring, seems everything is how it should be, thanks for the help folks
  19. maybe i should have bin a bit more specific, when i,m looking thru the view finder, everything is out of focus and i,m having to move the focus ring back and forth while taking shots on manual, i,m managing to get some good shots , but i,m just not sure if i,m getting an in-focus shot or not until i download onto the computer and i,m taking loads of pictures to make sure at least 1 is in focus and even then it doesn,t always happen , i,m thinking its the viewfinder not working properly with the camera focus,the pics are just not as crisp as they were thanks for the help , i,m gonna have to
  20. as above , my camera just will not focus properly on either manual or auto,is it human error or do i need to get it back to canon ?, it does need a bloody good clean and this could be the problem , any ideas?, cheers
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