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Everything posted by moley

  1. any of you lads interested in trapping techniques in the usa, you should have a look at a new dvd just out, its called "a maine trapline" by brian and mark donaghy,it fairly long at 218 minutes , but theres good hd footage trapping weasels, mink, beaver , marten ,otter and fisher, i know we don,t get most of those things over here , but its still interesting to see how the boys over the pond go about buisness , available from- up country films - , it took a week to get mine , which is less time than it takes some stuff from over here, theres a trailer on the website, well worth a look
  2. does that make spring snares for rats illegal or does it not matter cos a rat is considered as small ground vermin ? just asking as there seems to be different ideas as to the laws of the land
  3. is that law ian or just your interpretation of the law? because nothing is very clear so also does that mean spring snares for rats are illegal?
  4. farmers are raking it in , the price of cattle and sheep is sky high,go and work for them as they are well known for spending money
  5. the law states the trap must be set within the overhang of a tunnel , natural or artificial, so i reckon you would not be within the law, just make a small wire mesh tunnel , it only need be a couple of inches wide to be lawfull if using bodygrips, you could even make a tunnel from dead grass, sticks etc, not trying to teach granny to suck eggs , just how i read the rules
  6. i seem to attract bullshitters , maybe its just the company i keep , i have a mate that thinks the local bullshitter is great and if he sees him around , makes a bee line for him to listen to what the latest shite is getting spouted, what the best bullshit story you ever bin told or told yourself ?
  7. i use flaked maize and like above , give them time to eat a few free meals , then set your trap , i always leave at least 1 bird in as a decoy , it gives them confidence , you must leave water and shelter for your decoy, i don,t move the trap after a catch , i move it when i have trapped most of the birds i,m after, it sounds like there is an alternative food scorce if they ain,t going in
  8. i once saw a hen sparowhawk carry a full grow hen pheasant over the pen wire ,many years ago
  9. what do you mean the ground is always torn up? foxes chew, dig ,and tear up the ground when in a snare, simples
  10. they have got to be tame or urban foxes,in the first picture the plastic table isn,t even chewed and the ground ain,t torn up, i see in both pics you have a rebar pin, is this what you secure your snare with ? , if so you should be careful as that could be an entanglement situation i have snared hundreds of foxes over the years and the ground is always torn up , always. its incredible that both those foxes chose to not fight the snare, chew anything or even dig and must have just sat there like a dog on a lead 3-20 foxes from one cable is a good job becaus at the prices charged over
  11. thats a very interesting photo, i didn,t realise that a fox caught in a collarum doesn,t tear up the ground round about, i have never had a fox in a collarum but have caught enuff to know that in a traditional snare they make a catch circle and would have knocked most of that gear all over the place, so, does a fox just sit there like a dog on a lead ? most of the footage i have seen with collarum catches, the ground is all torn up, can you explain this please?
  12. i cannot see how these "clones " are illegal,its bin said before, the law states that you can use clones, thats how all the folk that use chinky crap get away with it. if logan can make a better trap or improve on whats out there then good on him, if no one developed anything or tried summat different, we would still be living in caves
  13. ordered sum stuff from uttings on saturday, it arrived on tuesday, i didn,t check it properly til friday night and there was a small problem with the order, so i rung them monday and got the item exchanged by the delivery firm today, great service from uttings and they have a load of stuff on offer , just thought i would share that with you all
  14. why have snares got to be set on runs ? yes , thats where they work best , but sometimes you got to look outside the box, not all rabbit catching situations are perfect, so you gotta do different stuff, its still a result for the lad
  15. have a look back thru the posts on trapping and snaring , it has bin covered on here loads of time, just takes a bit of time and effort
  16. sounds like bollocks to me there was an old boy in the village that wanted a couple of trout and i couldn,t be arsed , so i sent my old dog down the beck with a tiddler net ,it came back an hour later with three trout all over 4lb , gutted them and put them in the old lads oven , it also thought that my gran might like a hare, so coursed and caught one on the way back home , gutted it and hung it in the shed, honest!!! proper poaching dog that one
  17. grass , leaves , whatevers to hand really, rabbits ain,t that clever,they don,t know or probably care that the stuff underfoot has changed, i have only used these if i run out of sieved soil and cannot be arsed to sieve anymore or its raining, try it
  18. make sure you set it in a hole of the correct size or you will catch only fur like paulus, the hole wants to be only just bigger than the sprung trap, it wants to be as far into the hole as possibly or just inside the entrance, lightly cover with soil of grass, yes grass, and bingo you should get your rabbit,
  19. i have used the no mole before , but just to try it , i did catch a couple of moles but there not the easiest traps to set, you need to just about balance the trigger between the jaws ,then push the up the run without setting them off , easier to set and use the trapline
  20. they both need adjusting to get them working properly, i have used both and prefer the bethel rhodes trap , the flat pack is a well made trap but rusts in no time at all , it has a stronger spring initially but the spring weakens with use , tho not to the point that it isn,t strong enuff to kill a mole , don,t let price be the decider with traps , its false economy, you get what you pay for
  21. bloody hell , you still on with the same one, it will die of old age soon
  22. some nice homemade ones there jim, some ones bin busy in there sheds on a winters night, i have a few myself,
  23. mink lay up in hollow trees, log piles, rabbit holes, long grass , bird nests, just about any where, usually the most obvious thing to say theres mink about is lack of waterhens, they seem to target them first
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