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Everything posted by moley

  1. looks like theres 14 moles there, at £10 per mole, that little catch should cover the cost that any taxidermist would charge !!
  2. two inch mesh on your tunnel entrances will stop hedghogs, trouble is squirrels dont seem too keen to enter either, dont stop small bunnies , stoats, weasels or rats
  3. the simple answer to your question is yes, you can make a good living without poison and by use traditional methods
  4. jamie, its down to being lazy, its easier to put a post on here asking a question that has bin asked before, rather than go thru old posts, if they cannot be arsed to look thru old posts, they will sharp get sick of checking empty traps or snares, probably ending up in them being abandoned , which makes genuine folk look bad, if the people that keep answering stopped answering , it might just put and end to it,
  5. you do NOT have to check mole traps every day, , if you set them correctly , the mole will be dead almost instantly,why do people give wrong advice ? ffs read the law
  6. its for a lad at works college course, so a link or a website wud be more helpful,so he can have a read and make notes, he dont get any internet were he lives , so muggins gets the job of finding things out, thanks anyway matt
  7. also just wanting to keep up to date with any changes in the law
  8. restrictors on entrances to cages, what size to keep out protected animals
  9. anyone got a link to the best website for up to date trap and trapping regs please, cheers
  10. are they set up over holes made by the mink then ?
  11. i agree with what your saying perthshire, i dont trap mink now, but when i did , i always had my fenns on a wire, if a mink was badly caught or still alive, i set up so it would drop onto deep water and drowned, not a fan of cages, tho i do use them, i have had too many animals with broken teeth and nails to think they are humane
  12. have to say, i have had foul catches in all the traps i have used over the years, regardless of wether they fenn, bodygrip, cage or snap, i have little experience of kanias, if you trap alot , you will at some stage get a foul catch, you got to try your best to get clean catches and be as humane as poss by making the tunnels the right size , keeping you traps in good order ,etc, i think there are design floors in all traps that are available, but untill someone invents something that is fool proof , you just got to piss with the cock you got
  13. dickies do a work trouser that you put foam inserts into, then waterproofs over the top
  14. some firms have to put the value on the label for insurance reasons and the vat man will tax you according to that
  15. trouble is teapot, your followers are always way in front of you , lol colly said you were up this end soon , call up, if we not snowed in
  16. bobs talked about bill trouton, is he the bloke that showed bob how to make the pipe traps he used to use ??
  17. whatever teapot shows you , do the opposite and you wont go far wrong , hes a novice
  18. perthshire , i think you will find merrin is on with t duffus now, it took me years to persuade him to spend sum money and invest in traps that will pay for them selves many times over , he went from setting about 70 traps a day to setting 200+ a day, its about making money , not keeping traditions alive if your on big ground with loads of moles , you need to get your head down and flood the place with traps, headlands and centres,i dont agree with the idea of moles needing water , a worm is 90% water i often used to run 500-700 traps a week, if you have the ground , you might aswel
  19. what was it you said? nothing better than the sight of moles arses On a cold wet morning i think you two need to get out more ????
  20. qualifications are good, so are courses , they teach u h&s and all the basic stuff, but they dont teach you experience, its experience that puts you ahead of the competition, the little things that get results, good luck to anyone willing to give it a try, i had 23 years of pesting self employed, have a good regular wage now, not sure if its a good thing or a bad one
  21. might be worth trimming up the raggy end tom, ruined many a good coat on stuff like that
  22. unfortunatly i dont think there would be enuff sales to warrant someone to start manufacturing imbras,pity cos if they did , i would definatly ave a few
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