your right there ian thay are good for shooting from 4x4 its stumpy gun but its accurate its a fun gun to use,ho the sun roof in them land rover discos take some to shoot as well ask martin 789
your right grooter as you shot mine sun roof as we was driving along the road lol
your right there ian thay are good for shooting from 4x4 its stumpy gun but its accurate its a fun gun to use,ho the sun roof in them land rover discos take some to shoot as well ask martin 789
i,v got one you get 30x shots out o,v gun, bit fidly when you first use it ,but you soon get used to it. not any good if you can not multy task goodgun i love it
well done mart you shot 2 rabbits and i was not there was it your lad that shot them or was thay road kill,,, well done sould get moor when i come whit you
just bought bsa multy shot i love it bit fidely with the cocking off the gun but ones you have got used to it its great not to good for peaple that can not multy taske big bald your right standard silencers are wank but besides that a great little (tiny) gun
no mate thay wont stop??? add the same thing with my terriers , keep them seperated three dogs togethere not to good any way dogs start fighting one will take sides with one that is losing not verry good sorry but i,v add a fuww so downt make much sence yours groot,s
i,v got two books here if any is interested free ,
1,COMPLETE BOOK OF FERRETS val porter & nicholas brown
these are free to any new starter cheer,s groot,s