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Everything posted by verminator

  1. Hey Matt, does it say why it is illegal to use a mirror? I am struggling with catching a call bird. I can get one easily from other people, but wanted to try and catch my own, I have tried eggs, fluffy chicks and now a baby rabbit which has been eviscerated. Still no luck.
  2. Thanks for that. I fancy the theoben as with a 500cc bottle you get hundreds of full power shots before recharge, but recently fired a hw100 in .177 and dropped a pigeon at a fair distance with an eye shot. Dunno now...
  3. Any chance something has worked loose? Has the scope 'crept' along the rails and worked loose? Has happened to me, also do you feel you are getting full power? One last thing, check the silencer if you have one and see if it is loose also. All the best H
  4. Looks a cracking job. Wish I had the proper tools to make a better job of things myself, I must be the worlds worst joiner...
  5. Just checked out the site. Video unavailable...
  6. Shot twice. Not with airguns. Not in uk.
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