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rocket ronnie

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Everything posted by rocket ronnie

  1. nice one russ lump off a terrier that bud shame about the bull x
  2. great pics them bud some good sport had there
  3. some really good pics there people keep them coming
  4. your the clown mate its illegal to run hares there just big rabbits getting the camera out alot lately bud good pics as usual
  5. yes more snow again in liverpool bonus is might get one to ground for my youngster.

    1. bull101


      theres a fair bit thats dropped in edge hill, c**t believe it!

  6. 1/8th bull grey i think bud but taz will let ye know more mate
  7. cheers for all the comments fellas just hope they make the grade
  8. she is looking good bud will see what size to the shoulder he is tomorrow
  9. this is sanka he is some size now an is 5 months in 2 days
  10. really hope you get your dogs back mate nothing worse than thieving scum bags
  11. i hope she pulls through for you mate nothing worse i lost my dog afew years back on a poxy rabbit
  12. theres nothing wrong with the houling goulding breed mate an id say his russels bred for work are prob 1 of the best in the country an keeps his stuff close
  13. its not that they have got bad feet bud its just that ye should clean there feet when they get back to get all the mud off an methalated spirits should do it thats what we used to use when i was in the marines so ye did,nt get blisters on ye heels to harden skin up
  14. try dog lost mate i put mine on there an had him back two days later worth a try
  15. i like those snap shot some good shots there
  16. alright romany what lense are you using an what setiings did you have it on bud ?
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