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Everything posted by Leeview

  1. Leeview


    The green net is 70yds and braided linen. the white undyed net is 6strand and 45 yds. and the black waxed linen will be around 40yds I did have others but 3 was enough to keep my eyes on
  2. Leeview


    Thank You fred, unfortunately todays market veers to quick sets making experts in longnetting, did you come in and see my longnets? hung up waiting for the top and bottom lines (which were done over the weekend) the amount of visitors that commented on the nets proved there are still some dedicated long netters about . my nets are made end to end by hand NOT sheet netting using linen from the footwear and saddlery makers, mainly Barbours Lisburn N.I. i get regularly comments about it will rot like hemp, Dr Marten soles never fell of or saddles fall apart. Any way Good Luck fred
  3. Leeview


    fred90 I was on the stand knitting away all weekend .did you speak to Alan? because Im certain he would of let you handle both the nets and the poles. I was impressed by the lightness and strentgh of the poles they are pretensile tapered tubes with a solid 3" ss point drawn into the bottom of the pole. any comment on his gate nets?
  4. We are once again going to be at the Midland next weekend stand D22, as many of you know Tiercel did nt make it last year due to bursting a blood vessel in his leg and then him passing away earlier this year so i have cadjoled Alan Salmon to come and help out and hes agreed so were back up to strength again, if your there call in have a chat and if we can sort any problems out we will Y.I.S Leeview
  5. only the one breeze? only the one breeze?
  6. Guild Of Net Makers will put the position and stand number up when i get it
  7. Smithie just spoke with Alan and your correct he no longer makes 4z he could nt guarantee the quality he wanted, on the plus side hes coming to the Midland Gf in September to lend a hand on the stand. Y.I.S Leeview
  8. Mine was a 4z from him but one was of his first nets ,he may have gone on to heavier nets Im not sure but ill check that out with him Y.I.S Leeview
  9. Id be having a look at masterhunters set ups Alan Salmon by name there is a few already using his gear . Myself Ive been using his gear for over 12yrs now with no problems .
  10. Thats a Carrick Bend knot i use it myself and imho IF it slips it can only tighten not come undone.(try unpicking one). I see you in Australia is the twine spun polyester or polypropolene by any chance?
  11. Yes were still going start next week at Lincoln County Show then onto Great Yorks Show next month
  12. Definately it will open your eyes, theres nothing in Ireland that comes close to this one. Leeview
  13. what your describing being rectangular they sound like gate nets imho Leeview what length are they Please?
  14. I usually leave 2 jills together(2 sisters mated to same hob same day). last year left an older unmated jill in with them who produced milk and looked after the kits alongside their mothers no problems whatso ever Y.I.S Leeview
  15. what depth are the collars? Y.I.S Leeview
  16. That's true. Which celeb would you vote for to run Britain? How about Sir Alex Ferguson? Proven winner. Not scared of hard decisions. Suffers no bullshit. Working class origins and never forgotten them. Can't stand toadies. Yep, he's my man. Wouldn't really consider Alex Ferguson as a celeb to be honest, but I'd be more then happy for him to run the country..... only downside is hes Scottish.... lol well let him run Scotland then Y.I.s Leeview
  17. by your description it would of been a Webley Falcon.
  18. only ever knew Sheridan's to be .20
  19. the officer was disciplined by the force and then the arspca took a private case out against him Y.I.S Leeview
  20. the snp are not going to be allowed to vote on this act which could be as soon as tomorrow to go through. When sturgeon speaks listen how she mentions "I" should that not be "we"? Y.I.S Leeview
  21. As and when the funeral arrangements are known can details either be put on here or pm Please Y.I.S Leeview
  22. well ebay thats your choice, myself Im still with the mk1's sold some on here when I was cutting back a mk1 box and 2 collars were going for £135+p+p. when you only had the mk1's to choose from debens were selling a box and collar for £46, a lot less(3X) than people were willing to pay for them on ebay. so getting them for % of new price seems a bargain to me Y.I.S Leeview
  23. I read it years ago but finding the old thread about it set me looking for the film of him calling hares. Ffyfe Robinson? In Town Tonight with Cliff Michelmore seems to ring bells used to do pieces on the Waterloo Cup annually must of been early 60's Y.I.S Leeview
  24. Leeview


    Tiercel and myself have a facebook page "Guild of Net Makers" Y.I.S Leeview
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