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Everything posted by Leeview

  1. First day of the 2008 Cheltenham Festival and have an accumulator on the winner of every race over the four days Y.I.S Leeview
  2. Leeview


    Thats what I've always used cut in to3/8-1/2inch bands Y.I.S Leeview
  3. Leeview


    Always found bike inner tube cut into section and fastened to the top line, then doubled round the pole sufficed Funny what I take to be second nature believing everyone knew about these things obviously not Y.I.S Leeview
  4. Personally i dont think there as good as the Brown hare,ive ran hares at Ripon,Altcar,Lincolnshire etc.I'd say lads over here would beg to differ cos they say the hares in Athy would really test a dog.Just my opinion. The Cork lads also agree that the brown hare is superior to the Irish hare ITHO Y.I.S Leeview
  5. is there much difference in size between terrier n ferret collars i dont mean strap never seen a ferret collar with 2 caps before, terrier collar yes Y.I.S Leeview
  6. and suitable for ditches Y.I. Leeview
  7. Glad you put them to good use Daniel they'll make one hell of a pie Y.I.S Leeview
  8. bin it its probably spam anyway Y.I.S Leeview
  9. Sorry about this I recall talking to Trev about him passing away said it was a big big funeral. I've searched it but can only go back to Jan 2006 Y.I.S Leeview
  10. Phil King's been dead for a few years now, he did breed some cracking dogs by all accounts Y.I.S Leeview
  11. salt petre would work better Y.I.S Leeview
  12. very interesting thread but I'm with the one on this and must be lucky in that I have no problem getting straight hazel for poles or walking sticks and manage to tweak if necessary over my knee, will try this method if I ever need to Y.I.S Leeview
  13. Please no debates on Benito Mussolini No debates on Il Duce from me,he was wearing a german uniform when he was captured,trying to blend in CCTV in Owl-nest boxes Leeview?How are they controlled for Pan,tilt,and zoom?What sort of distance do they relay signals from?Big brother is indeed watching its a bypass road normally quiet, there on trees and telegraph/phone line poles, and fully controlable distance probably 400 mtsx360 degrees. Big brother indeed but then again if your not doing anything you should nt be NP Y.I.S Leeview
  14. Their probably correct about the surveillance cameras being high up, but almost undetectable to the naked eye We have permission not far from last nights programme and we are monitored but left to get on with the job know they have the truck details(after visiting us) they have caught and prosecuted fly tippers, lampers without permission and drug dealers Y.I.S Leeview
  15. No but those ferrets were being totally bamboozled into thinking that Y.I.S Leeview
  16. Not sure about the brindle coming solely from the bulldog? Whippets, Borzois, Deerhounds,Great Danes,Pembroke Corgis and even Pekingnese do come in brindle colouration along with many other breeds Y.I.S Leeview
  17. Yes they were originally a Dutch breed and there still is a lot of Dutch influence remaining in the Fens people and place names, they came over to drain and develop the land Y.I.S Leeview
  18. The show breeders were keeping their ferrets in complete darkness and using time switches, 6 hours of light 6 hours of darkness confusing the ferret in to believing that they was equal light/darkness in a day(photoperiodic) creating them to come into season for breeding Y.I.S Leeview
  19. That was the one question that sprang to my mind when reading it too..... The apostrophe before 'coy' implies it's a shortening of a word....Wentworth Day mentions the Fen Tigers fowling boots so maybe "Decoy" dogs? The only other thing I can think of is Diddicoy which would fit also in the same context as lurchers You were right first time Stabs Decoy dogs were small fox red dogs used by wildfowl decoyers on ornamental lakes, the lake would draw in narrower and narrower covered in by netting the dog was used to draw the ducks in by walking in front of a screen and dissappearing
  20. Good Luck with the pup, but socks a bit OTT Y.I.S Leeview
  21. Leeview


    UNDERFUNDED they spent millions building new headquarters not too long back, not a lot of good to some needy animal that is it? No time for them at all Y.I.S Leeview
  22. Statistically that is what should be produced the the genetic cookie does not always crumble according to the statistics. I know a woman who had an accidental breeding between two merle rough collies, six pups and only one was normal. The rest were deaf and blind with malformed eyes and had to be euthanized. For me personally, I could not do a breeding I knew had such a large chance of producing defective pups that would have to be put down. Absolutely spot on STATISTICALLY is a big word for mother nature and she does it her way and has n't read the theories of genetics Y.I.S Leeview
  23. might struggle to get a moderator for that forum anyone got anyone in mind? Y.I.S Leeview
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