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Everything posted by bustbibs

  1. how many shots do you get out of a chage at that power?
  2. rember not to aim too high as ive heard of people shooting them selves in the back with the hmr, having over compensated for the curvature of the earth with the bullet completing a full orbit and killing them out right.
  3. i swear every one has a one shot two kill story. would like to see some proof of one. adam
  4. can vouch for these vehicles will go any where and last forever i've got 2
  5. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/manchester/7799089.stm
  6. apart from shooting them, do you have permission? if its common land, have you a valid reason to shoot my parents own the woods...
  7. ok i didnt realise they had good eye sight that explains a lot, i guess some good camo is in order... thank you adam
  8. any body got any tips we have alot of woodland just behind my house. but pidgeons always see me bofore i see them or they are just too far away how do you guys doit!?!? adam (thanks in advance)
  9. opinel no.8 for me although i quite often snap the tips off my opinels although i do abuse them...
  10. looks like it would weigh a ton!!!
  11. what are you after instead? why the sale? adam
  12. fac for any rifle is 17 i believe don't quote me. you will need a gun cabinet, a police check, £50 for application (refunded if you are turned down), if you have a criminal record its hardly worth trying but if you a persistent and can prove you genuinely need this extra power then you should be ok. also the permission you shoot will have to be checked (if it hasn't already to see if it suitable for a firearm). hope this helps adam
  13. hi mate i recently bought a hw100 second hand with a hawk air max scope for £500 and i can honestly say its the best gun by miles ive ever shot, so easy to load, it makes no noise when shot, accuracy wise i shoot 5p groups at 50yards and its 22. i couldnt recommend this gun enought for hunting and im sure the other guys on here will tell you the same! good luck john 5p groups at 50 yards now thats some shooting i would like to see! yeah hw100 are very good but hard to find that cheap also bsa scorpion t-10 will fill your requirements nicely and you will probably have some money
  14. nahh proper boloxed up the skinning as was 1st ! was just a mess hardly a bite of edible meat lol adam
  15. check the forsale section on here and airarsm and bsa owner group site both have good sections
  16. cheers for the reply, can i ask a daft question at about 30/40 yards should i be hitting my target with the gun i have or am i doing something wrong.. no ratcatchers have very low power and should realy only be used at very close distances on small quarry like rats although many people do use them for rabbits. so if i were you save up buy a decent pcp and you wont look back as they are easy to shoot (no recoil, nealry silent with moderator) adn will be full power so can get thoses 40 yd shots. adam
  17. are you bothered what type of air rifle as you would probaly have to buy 2nd hand to afford a pcp. where you would probably be able to pick up a bsa ultra or a scorpion or a air arms s200 with a few added extars if your patient enough to wait. if you want a springer you could get a bsa lightning xl which would be fine for what you want and well with in budget. adam
  18. looked out my bedroom window and unluckily for him this guy was there! dropped with a headshot. adam am hitting my woods later with a mate to try and get a few more as this year there are hundreds of them!
  19. http://www.reviewcentre.com/reviews5016.html adam
  20. Hi Adam. There is plenty of information here if you want to have a browse. But I'll answer what I can here. What sort of Certificate are you wanting to apply for? A Shotgun or Firearms(Rifles)? If Shotgun, then you will need a form, you can print one off from the link above, and fill that in. Once you have filled it in and sent it off with your four passport photos. You should have a letter of confirmation. This may not arrive, if you hear nothing within a fortnight, ring your local firearms licensing department, and ask them of the situation. You will then need security, a
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