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Everything posted by droid

  1. Touchy touchy. Qui excuse s'accuse.
  2. If it's Joe's, he's been doing his best to find it. just because your aquaintance was a lazy b'stard doesn't mean everyone is.
  3. Leeview probably thinks Distemper and coronavirus are inherited. I wasn't aware that there was any treatment for CD in ferrets other than pts. And I've not heard any cases of the CD virus giving ferrets full-blown Distemper. It raises antibodies against the CD virus but that's all. Cases of anaphalactic shock are pretty rare too.
  4. I think the clue might be in the phrase 'main dealer'.
  5. Maybe 'doing nothing' (and living on benefit) is the reason they're unemployed.
  6. Cheers mate. Going to be in ireland over the summer so that map will be useful.
  7. Raving Get the Pakis and Poles Out White Supremacist Party.
  8. What the f*ck were you googling to get that?
  9. People have been doing that for years anyway, only have to see the numerous threads on here that have been made about 'breeding silver to silver' and 'What do I breed to get silver?', 'anyone breeding silvers' etc. This forum can be just as bad as the pet forums at times, I am ashamed to say. I'll wager sh 08 doesn't see the irony of what they posted.
  10. You sitting down, Mushroom? TOTALLY AGREE.
  11. How far is Essex from Norfolk? Y.I.S Leeview in this neck of the woods, we only go as far as cousin to cousin mating Is that same sex cousins ? Y.I.S Leeview
  12. Google up 'Cystic Fibrosis'. This disease can lie dormant through many generations. It's caused by a recessive gene, masked by a dominant gene in unaffected carriers.. Mating brother and sister you are increasing the risk of genetic defects caused by this process(not CF, as ferrets don't get that AFAIK). Genetically speaking it's a bloody stupid mating, but if you know what you're doing....
  13. take it to clitheroe auction on a wendesday night. Here's to responsible rehoming of unwanted stock
  14. Quite correct. And in my defence, I've never said otherwise.
  15. Bloody hell, I was wondering where you were. You have a similar amount of knowledge of working, 'Lee'. Your knowledge of genetics is somewhat sparser though.... Find me a reference that proves a 'working' gene and I'll believe you. Until then, I remain sceptical. While you're at it, you could find a reference that says Waardenbergs is contageous
  16. So you say the instinct to work isn't the same in all ferrets. Mind, from what you've said, that seems to be more to do with the temperament of the ferret.
  17. Sound off all you like. I'm on record (on another forum) of saying that sometimes the ones that get bucketed are the lucky ones. I just don't see the point of breeding if you only want one or two ferrets.
  18. So are you saying that the 'instinct' is the same in any ferret, and it's just the way they're brought up that determines how good a worker they are?
  19. Here's another question. Presumably those who breed do so because they think that working ability is passed on from parents to offspring. (That's the ferrets, not the ferreter ). So how do you know which kits to cull? The ones you cull might be (potentially) the best workers you ever bred. Which rather defeats the object of 'the line'.
  20. you wont get an albino with brown in it, unless you have kept records on parentage, theres no way your predict the colouring, Ferret genetics are so mixed up that even if you did keep records it'd probably be bugger all use in predicting the colour of the kits. You won't get an albino 'with some brown in it' because albinism is absence of pigment. The gene that controls pigment gene expression isn't 'switched on'. If there's pigment there, it isn't albino.
  21. I'm not kissing any of the ugly buggers on this thread :sick:
  22. Good for him. All the best to you both.
  23. Rabbits are vermin and breed without any human interference. Ferrets are bred by humans, usually deliberately. If you can't see the difference in that, then you do live up to your username.
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