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Everything posted by droid

  1. droid


    I notice that Blair's autobiog came second after Ben Collins' in the News....
  2. droid


    TOPS Diesel class models. Models of any steam loco that used Sheffield Midland station. South Yorkshire/North Derbyshire private owner wagon models.
  3. Sorry. I read the title as 'Quality dog Turds' Thought 'they'll try to sell owt nowadays'. Off to Specsavers the weekend.....
  4. It's good to start the day with a laugh, and that i've done. Cheers Dave, cracking post
  5. Chhers Jazz. Dynamite Baits seem pretty good, I use the green pellets a lot on commies where they're allowed. Cell boilies I've never tried, but I will if they make the smaller sizes...
  6. some right strange folk on here Aye, logging on here is like turning up in Royston Vasey some days... :crazy: What? A small fat Teesider with flying goggles? I need counselling
  7. If it was a working dog that was put in the bin (somehow ), then all the tennage hard men would be on, not laughing, but threatening to 'batter the cnut'.
  8. droid


    Looks like readie just made your point for you, Ideation.
  9. Drop the Dead Donkey. Bloody classic....
  10. get a life? that pretty much sums you up.it may only be a cat to you but its prob some kids pet and it was in the bin for over 15 hours.i dont like cats myself but i abhor cruelty on any scale.and you wonder why the hunting fraternity get a bad name Agreed, except with the second sentence. I think the term 'idiot' is far more appropriate. Never mind. Schools are back next week
  11. And thank you for your advice. Next time a jill needs bringing out of season, give it old cat antibiotics. Brilliant!
  12. Good little piece in the new series of 'Coast', BBC. About an island off the West Coast of Ireland where the hares are flourishing.....because of the Coursing Clubs.
  13. Another typically cretinous remark.
  14. Get the windows and do it yourself. It isn't difficult.
  15. Just seen a clip of the 'funeral' on The One Show. One word. Saddo's.
  16. droid


    So what's 'very big'? How many 100,000s is that then? write edl on google and have a look at the group and what we are standing for and believe in, british jobs for british workers, is one thing plus we wont be told that were haveing mosques built in every town and weve got to eat hala meat nor except there religious views and for them to take our wealth and benefits, send the scum back home, ns So you haven't a clue how many members EDL have. That's members, not chavvy wannabees that do their protest from the safety of a keyboard.
  17. The problem with this site is the uncaring, parsimonious person that pisses about trying to get a cheap fix for a ferret on here, rather than getting their hand in their pocket and getting the thing to the vet. You going to threaten me now, big fella?
  18. droid


    and just how long do you think this will take?? I've refused to buy from doorsteppers for the last 20 years and the buggers are still there.
  19. droid


    So what's 'very big'? How many 100,000s is that then?
  20. droid


    Bloody hell, Del. Can I have a pint of what you are drinking? Completely agree. Some people just love to be rabble-roused.
  21. Ask farmers in Northern Spain. I believe they're trying to reintroduce/extend the range of these animals in the Cantabrian Mountains.
  22. sounds like a good vets....not It certain isn't a good vet if they don't realise that rhinoviruses are species specific, i.e. ferrets don't catch human colds. i was always led to believe they could Flu, yes. But not human colds. Different type of virus. Ferrets can catch ferret colds though.
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