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Everything posted by droid

  1. droid


    Or better still Alt-berg. They make the boots that motorcycle cops wear.....
  2. Unlike some here, I've met Sean and Kay. Sound people.
  3. droid


    I have a pair of Meindl ladies boots - don't laugh, they fitted perfectly - and they've been excellent despite minimal looking after. They are 10 years old and still waterproof. Expensive mind, but total class.
  4. Totally agree about Sean3513. Kay'd make a good Mod too.
  5. An excellent start to my Saturday, thank you both....
  6. well its allwways worked with me Would it work ON you?
  7. Off to bed now. Night night.
  8. So what's wrong with ferret food?
  9. I don't hate him, I just wish he'd apply the same rules to himself that he applies to others. If anyone here does, then all I can say is GET A LIFE YOU SADDO
  10. Lets be consistent here, Ian. On the Antis ferretting video thread you were supporting the people posting threatening violence. I totally agree with the sentiment of your post above though.
  11. No need for that its called having a laugh or a bit of banter,no need what so ever for name calling There is if you're a 15 year old hard 'man' from Donny....
  12. Exactly. If you can't take it then you don't dish it out. Yours, Hema
  13. well it measn that my kids cannot play in the back year on they toys and my puppy cannot go for a wee coz they will get stung It'll teach them not to mess with bees then, won't it?
  14. He did the same to me a while back..... Quite prepared to post insults at me though.
  15. will i be able to charge £200 a kit lol Only in Dreamland.....
  16. no you are not bitter enough. Its Stubby That'll definitely disappear now.....
  17. Thanks heme(d)roid No probs. I've often been called a wit. At least I think that's what people said.....
  18. Silver mitt with a stripe on its' head. New colour! Get breeding it!
  19. Maybe you could solve the mouse shortage problem in Ireland? Rats next......
  20. Would the ban have been avoided if those MPs supporting it had been assaulted by 'angry' teenagers? Lets keep it real, eh?
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