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Everything posted by droid

  1. droid

    swaping guns

    'end my misserey' you could just piss off and not logg back on. or is that too hard? if you dont like the site, just feck off. The exact advice this clown is offering in another thread.
  2. So following that 'logic' he was bred himself from a 'non-worker'?
  3. That's an excellent idea. An angling forum I'm in has a 'free tackle' section. Tends to be populated by freeloaders, so it's very rarely used. I keep all my unused tackle for when one of the local kids sees me loading the gear on the bike and says they'd like to start but can't afford it. Mind, I set off at 6 in the morning, so it hasn't happened yet.....
  4. I guess unlikely if you're in the Republic, but could it have been heat stroke?
  5. Yes. But wait a few weeks before using the vas-hob, or you might get an unplanned litter. Happened to one member a year back as I recall.....
  6. Hyperion, you're f*****g mad Try a Flammenwurfer next time....
  7. Finings are derived from catfish swim bladders nowadays. There are, however vegan alternatives. So the silly buggers can drink themselves into a stupor with a clear conscience. Still have to take Vit B12 supplements derived from animals though. No way round that, that I know of. And before the Anti-spotters get going, no I'm NOT a bloody vegan. Or a vegetarian..... or an Anti.....
  8. There's an honest man....
  9. If the lad's new to ferrets he might not realise how quickly they can go downhill. If one of my ferrets was suddenly 'dopey and with slow reactions' it'd be up to the vets the next day at the latest.
  10. Bollocks Vast majority of Parliament are white heterosexual males. Mind, just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you..... Think your getting confused with homosexual droid They're not all called Mandelson....
  11. Good for you donk. Hope the course goes well.
  12. Bollocks Vast majority of Parliament are white heterosexual males. Mind, just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you.....
  13. Talk about kicking a bloke when he's down. Not as 'down' as his ferret, Mal.....
  14. I'll donate a spinning rod and a netmaking kit, both bought when I had more enthusiasm than sense......
  15. We didn't bother when the IRA were demolishing large parts of British cities, along with many inhabitants, why should we bother now? Oh, sorry. The IRA were/are white...... Droid stop talking shit. How can you defend muslim extremists coming into our country with the intention of killing people?? It has nothing to do with their skin colour. I went to birmingham on saturday and i will go to every other march. Im not rascist and i wouldnt attend any march/protest if it was rascist. I dont have a problem with muslims, blacks, chinese or anyone who wishes to live here and contribu
  16. We didn't bother when the IRA were demolishing large parts of British cities, along with many inhabitants, why should we bother now? Oh, sorry. The IRA were/are white......
  17. 28 posts and no mention of nose flicking.... Schools are back
  18. Jeez .The pavements are going to be like the Gaza strip if the old dears round here get their paws on some of those
  19. Locals getting a bit frisky (again).....
  20. I'd be interested, Mark. Sounds complete madness, but what the hell?
  21. droid


    What? Wilf or the bloke that buggered the dog? And kayno's doing the right thing here. Dog's better off pts than what it had there.
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