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Everything posted by droid

  1. When I go fishing, I use maggots.
  2. No you wouldn't. If it's a Cessna they take the door off
  3. Have you lot been listening to me at work? And no, I don't work at the same place as Greg....I don't think.....
  4. Which is why I don't, apart from Commies. I do know a water that's minging with pike, always has been. But it's Club water. Not fair to broadcast it....
  5. You show a lack of understanding of human evolution, and what Dawkins is saying. Apes and humans evolved from a common ancestor. Humans didn't 'evolve from apes' at all. And why should life have a purpose, any more than any other complex chemical reaction?
  6. Gets round quick...I nicked it off a Biker site
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IEtVZiL7FMs
  8. Only one answer to cnuts like that. Postnatal abortion.
  9. Mate, there's people on THL that could start an argument in an empty room. That's not a dig at RFYL either: he'll defend himself if someone has a dig, but some on here are bloody psychopathic...
  10. 'Grasser'..... This place is like a bloody school playground sometimes. Why don't you lot grow up?
  11. If no-one wants him, get in touch with Dookies Rescue. That's reasonably local to you, mate. http://sites.google.com/site/dookiesferretrescue/
  12. I admit it. Your photos are real Ansell Adams class mate
  13. The word 'mong' came to mind there.....
  14. Mushrooms are in season.....
  15. So that's where they dumped the fuel rods from Trawsfynnydd
  16. I'd suggest a vets. And how shall I f**k off, Lord?
  17. GROUNDBAIT or maggot FEEDER. Never FAILS....
  18. Christ. I died 5 years ago! Not bad in the afterlife, eh Ric?
  19. Maybe they kept The Stig in a crate and fed him milk?
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