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Everything posted by droid

  1. Good writing that Jigsaw. Reminds me of a fruitless afternoon on the Burren looking for a cave entrance.
  2. Translation: I'm leaving this site now for good, as it is full of people who have called my bluff and made me look foolish.
  3. Mine get on with bottles, but you can presumably use any size bottle with this device, so looks good to me. Cheers stubby
  4. Quite. And at least one of these brave 'men' is a teenager. The reply that this was a 'nightmare' was probably nearer the mark that the poster intended. Certainly sounds like a dream to me.
  5. Who said (or implied) that you were?
  6. like i said does it matter you could all have made a decision on him and that was that the point im making is look at the way you have spoken to this kid snobby -poor - shy -wido- its a kid for fck sake As indeed is WBF, a major contributor to this thread. Life's a learning process. Jack Ward may have learned that when you've cadged some good stuff, it might be better to just get on and use it and keep shtum.
  7. Irony bypass operation anyone?
  8. So, Migmog. Do you accept 20,000 Italian Lire for 2 scabby shitehounds?
  9. I suppose it's a case of 'if you don't ask you don't get'. Seems a bit hypocritical to criticise others for doing the same thing though.... No word from the donator of the gear I notice, which makes me wonder if 'Jack Ward' isn't a bit of a troll.
  10. All old news and pretty obvious. I grow my own veg. You don't get cheaper than that. Anyone in Tam want a few beetroot or carrots?
  11. Anyone here diagnose Adrenal without even seeing the ferret? There's that many reasons for ferrets losing hair that anything other than rats-tail probably merits a visit to the vet. Nice line in sarcasm though.....
  12. Don't they have vets in Cumbernauld then?
  13. I'm OK. Smoke roll-ups......
  14. Jack. You went on the scrounge, found some gear off a sucker. Time to bugger off now.
  15. droid

    Old Fella

    I'm an old c**t who does his hunting off a computer. Any hunting stories (complete with pics with the faces blanked out) that I can claim for my own are welcomed. Cheers lads.
  16. droid


    Don't ever go on a pet ferret forum then, bigdan. Someone will post a legitimate question about a kit. They're worried about some aspect of the kits' care, which is fair enough. They post a picture of the kit, looking rather cute, as kits have a wont to do..... So in the next 10 posts, 2 will give some sort of answer to the question asked, the rest will be along the lines of 'Awwwww that's cute' or 'I don't know but can we have more pictures'.....
  17. droid

    the sun

    Craigyboy, if you think that voting in the Tories will solve the countries problems then you are so naive that you probably believe what you read in the papers. It won't make a blind bit of difference to ordinary working people. Different faces, same old shit. The total chaos we have in Government now is just the same as the total chaos we had at the end of the last Conservative parliament. I've seen the total wasteage of communities that the Tories are capable of. I wouldn't vote for them, ever. I'm old enough to have been an adult when the Miners Strike was on. It was devastating. A
  18. droid

    the sun

    Too bloody right, Mal. The present crop of Sun-reader Tories are going to get a real shock if Camerons' bunch of yes-men ever get back in power. I think we'll be waiting a lot longer than 2-3 years for any repeal of the Hunting ban, not with the New Caring Fluffy Conservative Party. And don't expect much action over European legislation. Those who complain about the EC might do well to remember who it was that took us into it.
  19. droid

    the sun

    The Sun always was a right wing rag. The term 'Sun-reader Tory' was always a term of abuse.....
  20. droid


    ebay Natural home of dreamers....
  21. No you weren't No-one had speculated that the lad that was shot was shot twice when you made your statement. It's something called researching mate. Stop trying to turn this into a negative topic. I'm not, but if you are going to debate, the least you can do is maintain some consistency and honesty.
  22. droid


    Tried Westons Organic Pear Cider t'other night. Not half bad, but not as good as the cider.....
  23. No you weren't No-one had speculated that the lad that was shot was shot twice when you made your statement.
  24. I'd say your life was pretty safe there, migmog. I'm rather older than you, and I get considerable pleasure shredding cans in the back garden with the PCP. Love the way WBF calls people only 3 years younger than him 'kids', as if he isn't.
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