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Everything posted by droid

  1. IF the tories get in next year, they'll have rather more important issues to deal with than hunting. Like the economy, immigration, home security and crime. To most of the population, these are more relevent than fox hunting or hare coursing.
  2. It'll soon turn into the kids playground that it is on another site I'm on. Full of daft youths taking the piss out of one another.....
  3. The only way of telling a Polecat from a ferret is by DNA analysis. And then, the only difference is in mitochondrial DNA, not the DNA in the cell nucleus. They are therefore, genetically, the same species. The difference in mitochondrial DNA suggests that ferrets originated as hybrids between two closely related polecat species, or that a small amount of evolution/mutation has taken place, but far in the past. Given the very short generation time for ferrets, there's probably been in excess of 3000 generations of ferrets since they were first domesticated. In human terms, that would be a
  4. Because there's money to be made. He's one of those people that I wouldn't piss on if they were on fire.
  5. Better now, but it's been very slow last day or two.
  6. Nowt wrong with long hair and beards...
  7. One good thing though.... If I ever get a dog, I'll read through these threads and act on the good advice contained in them. Because this horse can drink.... So you would be following all of my advice Droid. I'd do what I always do in a situation like this. Read through, sort out the advice that seems to be based on sense and experience rather than hearsay and bullshit, and follow it.
  8. Point taken, Comanche. The beauty (and often frustration) of Biology is that it's a science of interpretation as much as anything. I think your analysis of myxi being latent in rabbit populations, only being problematic in times of stress is valid. There's a similar situation with fish disease. And I agree that the 'see-saw' effect is rather dramatic at this stage in myxi's development. If the virus mutates regularly the see-saw might never truly balance.
  9. One good thing though.... If I ever get a dog, I'll read through these threads and act on the good advice contained in them. Because this horse can drink....
  10. The point I was making was not neccessarily that immunity to Measles was passed on to offspring but that the disease itself had less effect on a population that had been exposed to it for many generations. It's still a serious (read fatal) disease to populations that have never seen it. I think it is this you notice rather than the more lethal strains of virus 'killing themselves out'. However, in placental mammals you do get short term immunity passed on from mother to offpring, since the antibodies can pass the placental barrier. I can't see fleas passing up a blood meal whether it's fr
  11. It's the usual thing with viral diseases that when they first emerge (or are introduced ) they have a very high mortality. The target population contains a range of natural immuniity to the virus, and immune individuals survive to breed, so background immunity increases. Just think of the previously devastating diseases that are now childhood irritations, like measles...... Or indeed flu. If myxi mutates though, it's back to square one. Looks like this is the case to a certain extent. The same thing is going on in commercial fisheries with KHV.
  12. Yet another one that asks advice then gets stroppy when the 'v' word is mentioned. ClowNING.
  13. Excellent things. Bright as a very bright thing. Cheap to run too.....as you rightly say.
  14. As above two posts. Little bugger's just trying it on.
  15. Nice one Coatesy, my attitude entirely: if you're gonna be a twat you might as well have a sense of humour about it.... Still reckon that ferret needs to see a vet, though......
  16. Do ferrets have free health care? I think not. No mate, they just have clowns like you making their decisions for them. As opposed to them choosing whether or not to go to the vets or not themselves? Are you for real?
  17. Do ferrets have free health care? I think not. No mate, they just have clowns like you making their decisions for them.
  18. You did exactly the right thing. Did something like the same myself a few years back. Life's too short to spend all of it working, no matter how much you enjoy your work. Good luck with it, mate
  19. Mesolithic people were hunter-gatherers. So your first cousin is more of a proper hunter than anyone else on here....
  20. Thats what I was trying to say but I don't have the same way with words Tom Classic reply.
  21. Aye, v*t (don't want to frighten the 'traditionalists' on here.....)
  22. I don't know, but then, I'm not a vet.
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