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Everything posted by droid

  1. You should have seen the place 30 years ago when the steel works all went tits up.
  2. If memory serves me right, I got accused of the same thing a while back in a similar debate. Tamworth. Idyllic rural village.
  3. Not bothered if they do or not. They show respect (and they'd get short shrift if they didn't) same as I show respect to them. If they are lazy c**ts then they're told. Same as a white lazy c**t.
  4. That's carp fishing mate. Match fishermen are far more gaudy.....
  5. Black and Asian people were discriminated against long before the Muslim tag was hung on them. It's just an excuse for racists to justify their bigotry. I work with plenty of Muslims, and they don't treat me like a 'second class citizen', probably because I don't treat them any different from a white man.
  6. Good for you gnasher. Next time a white chav bricks your car you can exercise your tolerance. Twats are twats, irrespective of colour or creed. They should all be slapped down.
  7. Most pleasant: Irish, without a doubt, and they get better the further you get from Dublin. Most ignorant: Londoners.
  8. It is if you're in a f*****g great truck
  9. Aren't ferrets supposed to be poisoned by phenolic compounds, like those in Jeyes Fluid? I agree though, as a general disinfectant it's excellent. I'd personally not use it for ferrets though.
  10. At least they give you a chance, unlike the van at Golspie
  11. If there's a full-on Ice Age lack of crops is going to be the least of your problems. A kilometer or more of ice might constitute a bigger problem. And the timescale for the onset of this is a couple of decades MAX, not centuries.
  12. Problem with 'Global Warming' is that it's a big, complex issue and there's too many scientists with axes to grind. Mix in Govermnments with agendas and you get a total mess. Much of the data is ambiguous, at least where the overall effects are concerned: there's been far higher global temperatures in the past, and far lower ones. 15,000 years ago most of the country was under several kilometers of ice. Personally I blame the East Europeans coming over here and stealing our jobs. Either that or it's a Muslim plot.
  13. droid


    If you're dashing around on a quad, then maybe motorcycle waterproofs might be better. I think the rain hitting Goretex at speed can penetrate it. There's plenty of motorcycle gear that doesn't make you look like a Power Ranger.
  14. droid


    Look up the term 'rhetorical question', brains.
  15. Aye Sean, bad do in Cumbria, especially that unfortunate copper swept away doing his job Been meaning to go fishing this weekend. Bit of a waste of time with 30mph winds and horizontal rain....
  16. I wonder if the operative word in this thread is 'Polish'. Good point, AFT. Leave the poor bint alone and get your sarnie somewhere else.
  17. What's on your mind?

  18. droid

    Swine flu

    What's the difference between immunity gained from the full virus (after having recovered from the disease) and that gained from the same virus attenuated (vaccine)?
  19. droid


    Poor cow she didn't even see it coming . The eejit who had the dog off the lead should be made to do her shopping and should help escort her around for as long as the dog is out of action. You really are a complete clown, aren't you?
  20. EVERYTHING irritates me. I'm FAR older than you and much, much grumpier. Now piss off and leave me alone you b*****ds.
  21. Feed mine chavs. No other use for them....
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