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Everything posted by droid

  1. Jeez, no, please. Don't keep any animal. Whatever you keep, it'll cause problems. Collect stamps or summat.
  2. At last. Someone speaking sense.
  3. Be positive mexlad. Might only be 4-0.....
  4. So don't post anything incriminating. Simple. And it might cut down some of the dumb-ass boasting/fantasising on here, too....
  5. http://www2.b3ta.com/merrychristmas/
  6. droid


    Don't annoy him. He's probably got a gun.
  7. I agree. But the antis are going to use the 'bad' to forward their argument, not the 'decent and respectful'.
  8. That's the sort of reasoned argument I've come to expect from some on here.
  9. Is it? Try reading the responses in this forum, when certain people are argued with or read of someone being challanged/stopped in the countryside. Their first response seems to be abuse/violence. 'I'd have battered the c**t' appears to be the response of choice. Now this may well not be representative of hunters as a whole, but it's the response of a substantial minority on here, and it rather undermines your argument.
  10. Two points: 1) The incident above took place on a roadside, not affected by the recent 'Right to Roam' legislation. 2) Are you saying that only bona fide 'hunters' should have this right?
  11. droid

    Lily Allen

    Keep taking the mushrooms, tablet.
  12. That stuff stinks to High Heaven. Give me Swarfega any day
  13. I'll survive, because I'm old. After I'm dead, I don't give a f**k.
  14. Aye. Can't beat a big V-twin Though my VTR redlines at 9500. At 11000 I'd have me knackers taken off by flying piston. Bugger the Global Warming. Get out there and BURN FUEL
  15. Wrong again. For 4 months of that, I was 'fixing' the carb. No probs riding the trike in the wet. Don't have a car so if it's wet it's bike or trike mate. And the bike, being a Honda, usually works.....
  16. Possibly soon, when i've fitted a new fuel pump.....
  17. I stand corrected on this, but not the after-effects of the Chernobyl melt-down. You are going for another pint, I'm going to work. b*****d.
  18. Epidemiology is the study of how contagious diseases develop, not environmental diseases. And I wasn't the one bringing up Chernobyl. You're right, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. But no knowledge is worse. Keep taking the medication Ric
  19. Different types of power station. Coal fired power stations cause Acid Rain. Chernobyl was nuclear. No damage to the atmosphere, but the radioactive fallout caused extra cancers in the North West.
  20. Research is expensive. It's got to be funded by someone.
  21. They'd find it difficult. I don't own a dog.
  22. But I thought you were complaining about guests?
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