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canis lupus

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About canis lupus

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    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 15/12/1981

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  1. if ya want a lovely angora its £250 payed £5 for my albino £20 for my silver and £25 from a pet shop for my sandy kits last year
  2. with so many idiots breeding with no knowledge just breeding for the sake of it, is there really any good line out there. plus all the angoras. I been trying to study breeding lines this year out of the 6 breeders 20 odd jills only 3 of those are normal litter and 2 of the angora breeders getting any info out of them is near imposable. I had rescues up until last year all have come to sickly end last year I wanted kits from working lines as I wanted healthy ferrets, thankfully I found 2 lovely lads from a pest controller but had wade through tons of rubbish on the selling site.
  3. it is if your parner won't buy it online
  4. we are in a situation where we are having to change with Vitalin going bust. JWB is an ok feed its Turkey and not chicken though, but find they crap a hugh amount, and can stain the teeth, nt to much of a probelm if they have alot of meat as well.Price is way to high as well. Chudley is terrible I never had a normal poo with it always seedy. Thinking of using seletive (use to be Frankie ferret) a little exspencive but seems to be liked. at the end of the day it what your ferrets and pocket can cope with.
  5. Jan 11th. . . . . LAST YEAR! Kay - aye for some reason folk think a 6 month diploma in animal fiddling makes you the next James Heriot. Well i had a quick shufty online about polecats & trapping & according to the shooting times , a trapped polecat can be either shot of kept I thought they were still protected, so had to be let go if trapped. I exspect most found in traps are shot, why would anyone want to keep a wild animal for work.
  6. the good old lick and nip, I had a hob do this never knew why, he was fully hand tame, but if he licked you abouth the rist or got both paws on you he'd sink his teeth in. He was nevr agressive in any other way, and was even handled under superviton by desabled pepoe and children. The other thing is how hot has it beeen where you are, been baking here that can also get some fe4rrets grumpy. As for the water thing, I been told this method by alot of people seems the thing to do round here.
  7. I know loads of people with neutered ferrets that work fine. It depends on the ferret not there hormones.
  8. thats the way we always done it ,plus there was no internet around then just done what everybody done .never heard bout jill jabs untill the 90s no idea how long its been around but then they say its now outdated and potentialy dangerous just get implants at 90 quid lol .am only goin down the vas hob route cause the internets talked me into it plus if it backfires least it will cover a working jill ... the power of advertising and the internet right enough I think about it like this. . . . . If i was a ferret jill and was in season. and didn't want kits. . would i rather. .
  9. thats the way we always done it ,plus there was no internet around then just done what everybody done .never heard bout jill jabs untill the 90s no idea how long its been around but then they say its now outdated and potentialy dangerous just get implants at 90 quid lol .am only goin down the vas hob route cause the internets talked me into it plus if it backfires least it will cover a working jill ... the power of advertising and the internet right enough I think about it like this. . . . . If i was a ferret jill and was in season. and didn't want kits. . would i rather. .
  10. have you tryed puppy milk. Tesco's do one that is goats milk so easyer to digest, and will have some fat in it, it something we used when one of our adult ferrets was very under weight, he couldn't eat solid food but would drink ok. The other option if you realy want to keep it going is to force feed it with a serindge and mushed up wet cat food to get it started.or you can get some Hill A/D from your vets and use that in the serindge. Or Chicken complan.
  11. can be from march to september depending on light.
  12. No I acherly don't beleave in the implant at all. But if its not a good worker and going to be bred from somewhere along the line to inprove a line why keep in entier. Plus being there ways to bring a jill out of season why leave them and take a risk of harming your stock.
  13. The vet involved who knows his ferrets, he beleaved it was being left in season that had caused her to be in such a state. I was just commenting on what it said in the article about the jill likely having been kept in dirty conditions. Certainly being left in season on top of the other aspects of her care that were lacking did leave her in a terrible state. I know the ferret and rescue personaly and from descussion with them, they truely beleave it was being left in season that made her so ill.
  14. That would be the cheapest solution. Though if it was me I'd get a couple of this years kits and use the next few months to save up and have them neutered next feb. Don't have to worry about the jills coming into season, hobs fighting, unwanted baby in the long run the much cheaper hassle free option all round. Though that only works if you have no plans of breeding at all
  15. The vet involved who knows his ferrets, he beleaved it was being left in season that had caused her to be in such a state.
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