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Everything posted by longbow

  1. I feed tripe, allways have. The dogs love it. I could be wrong but I understand it contains virtually no calcium, so great as part af a varied diet,but dont feed tripe alone. Wash your hands after dealing with it!
  2. Well a few good dogs on this thread, and as I havnt posted any thing for a while heres a pic of a couple of pups with a hint of deerhound about them. I dont care if they are the best cross or the best rabbiters or whatever, & I certainly dont care to argue about it all night! Cheers. Shame the big fella ducked his head in the first pic!
  3. Difficult one that, who know`s if the dog find`s it painfull? My old dog (8 years) has broken both upper canines, been like it some while. The vet has never suggested removing them & they seem to cause no bother. I don`t know how your dog broke it`s teeth, but I would say the best advice to anyone reading this thread is never to give your dog those large cooked beef bones that pet shops sell as chew`s. they are too hard. I am sure that`s what ruined my dog`s teeth.
  4. i thought thare was alaunt in your pup what else is in her Sire is a big old deerhound/greyhound. Cheers
  5. bud9 - Yes, the pups dam is an Alaunt. Here`s another gratuitus puppy pic. This pic is relavant to the thread as the elderly lurcher being harassed in the pic is what I shall be lamping with this year as I have for about the last 8 years. Cheers
  6. Some well conditioned dogs there gentlemen. I shall just have to contain myself untill autumn 2010 to unleash this one! Have a good season. Cheers.
  7. Awsome dog the alaunt! Smooth black dogs do look great with a bit of sun on their backs. Good photo`s too.
  8. Th reason the birds are no longer visting her garden is probably because her wretched cat has eaten them. Ignore this nuisance.
  9. Cracking pup! now I know where mine get`s those wonky ears from its the deerhound in her!
  10. Keep us informed on the progress. I tried to make some last year but it was spoiled & rank. Will definatly try introducing some yeast next time. I guess you can buy yeast for cider? or what would you use? Cheer`s
  11. Hi, I am no vet but I would definatly not over feed the bitch at this stage. I have never bred puppies but my bit of experience with livestock suggests you could end up with an overweight, out of condition female trying to give birth to an oversize offspring, it`s a recipe for an expensive "C" section at the vets. Nature has equipped them to cope with less food at when heavily pregnant, better to feed sensible and keep mobile. Just my opinion speak to your vet. All the best.
  12. Hi, No he`s not a Parson russell, just a mongrelly working type russell. I guess there is a heredtry factor in this condition but I couldn`t say which type`s or breeds it is most common in. Maybe this thread will tell us!
  13. My terrier must be six year`s old now, he has an undecended testicle, I realise this put`s him at an increased risk of developing cancer. The vet`s mention castration as the only reasonable solution. Be interested to hear of any "non surgical" solution`s. I dont believe it affect`s his testerone level`s, if it do`s it is not a problem.
  14. That Oddie thinks he`s so clever with his remote camara`s on spring watch (often vermin watch). This little fellow was no more than 4 feet from my compact camera!
  15. I was going to coment that the fox is bigger than the dog, but in fact its nearly bigger than the hunter!
  16. Billy 20 lbs of above ground only terrier, looks the part but afraid of his own reflection.
  17. Many thanks for the weloming mesages, just enjoying read the threads & finding my way around.How do you add apic to a post "insert image" or na attachment?
  18. Hi to all, I am from the south west of England. I am a country boy born and bred, it seems like I have been mooching about since Adam was a lad, however I am new to internet forums so I hope this works. I currently have one lurcher, one terrier, one ferret, a internet connection that operates at glacial speed and a fairly loose grasp on spelling. My interests include the dogs allready mentioned, lamping, moocing etc, conservation, the preservation of field sports and just plain old walking. Is there a thread on here that leads you through posting & pics? I look forward to entering the di
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