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fin and fur

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Everything posted by fin and fur

  1. Go to the Police, report the theft (and the resultant Kitts death) and ask for a crime number Tell them your suspicions about the thief, and they will investigate, possibly with a search warrant. To be honest he sounds as if he isn't all there, and may be known to the police already. Sorry for your loss and all the best with the Police Fin & Fur
  2. We used to see Hedgehogs as regular garden visitors but they have declined in numbers in recent years. Someone i know has put this down to the increased usage of slug pellets following the boom in slug numbers a few years back. Slug pellet poisioning must be a very painfull way to go
  3. BBASTARDS :realmad: :realmad: :realmad: what a waist and specially to those c**ts, Its a shame that some people have absolutley no regard for the natural enviroment, i hope they gagged on the tiny barbed bones that jacks are renowned for
  4. Thats a rare sight indeed, i have never seen a white Pike in 30 odd years on the water.
  5. Most of the bread based tips given will work but you are in for an infuriating ride when Mullet fishing. They will take the bread from the hook without mouthing the hook, amongst other tricks. Its almost as if they have all been caught at least once and can spot a hook from a mile off, which in my opinion makes fishing for them (and actually landing one) a very rewarding branch of angling. good luck and go easy with their soft lips all the best Fin & Fur
  6. A Tick on your ging gang goolies, are you for real ??? I gather that the effect of Lymes disease around the infection site is to cause a large red bullseye type swelling so i guess the missus will be impressed. She will have the only bloke in the UK with 3 ging gang goolies instead of the usual brace, i can see an alternative career blossoming here. Seriously though, Lymes disease is a very serious infection and i hope that you are in the clear all the best for a tick free future Fin & Fur
  7. hello Fin, bit of advice on the bakerlite reel. give it a good clean and remove all oil and grease. add only a cople of drops of baby oil onthe pin, man do they run smooth after that as it realy coats the running surface well Cheers for the advice Mole Catcher, i must admit that my Arielite has seen better days as has most of the boxes contents. But i am keen to use it, as well as some of the really old wooden/brass reels that were in there amongst the more modern fixed spool reels i look at some of them and wonder when they last saw a fish, it will be good to hear their click checks
  8. This has to be one of my favourite ways of cooking a Trout, god i can taste it from here, once again well done
  9. Nice reel indeed, i have an old Alcocks Areilite reel similar to the one that you have just sold, it came in a box of reels i bought for a bargain price and i am itching to use it
  10. A very nice brown indeed, hope the fish was dead in that pic as i personally would never advocate holding a fish in such a manner if i was going to release it
  11. Sadly we are seeing an increase in Fox numbers of late, i saw one in the back garden the other night for the first time ever. There seems to be an explosion in the rural fox population since hunting with dogs was banned which doubtless means that with more foxes competing for the same food we will see more foxes coming in for an easy meal. These will be the weaker ones which cannot compete with the other foxes, it was these very foxes that the hunts used to catch thereby ensuring a healthy rural fox population, further evidence for an overturn on the rediculous ban on hunting with dogs. I a
  12. Ahh that takes me back, although i must say my old slingshot was nowhere as well made as any of yours. Interestingly there is a good article in this week Countrymans Weekly on slingshots, oddly enough Bells of Hythe and the Milbro originals are the articles subjects, along with the various materials available for slingshot bands etc, hurry if you want to get a copy though as the new one comes out tomorrow
  13. Not too sure on the legal requirements for transportation etc, however i am sure it is illegal to bow hunt in the United Kingdom at the present time
  14. Tickling fish sounds pervy to me, i think there is a register for that sort of behaviour
  15. I think your best bet will be to see if your local water company (if they have trout stocked reserviors) organises open days for beginners to fly fishing. Most of them do and for a low cost you will be provided with all the equipment you need for the day and be given casting instruction and then let loose on the water. Bristol water organised something like this when i started flyfishing back in 2000, we had a day out on Chew valley lake, then the cost of the day was an unbelieveably cheap tenner a head, which included fishing from the bank and 2 sessions out in a boat, after we had recieved
  16. i don't know if anyone listens to radio 1 but they conducted a bit of a survey for fun. they asked random people for two things to be answered. firstly they were shown a picture of 10 downing street and asked who lives there. secondly they were asked who lives in a pineapple under the sea, the answer of course being spongebob squarepants. now i know GB won't be living in number 10 for much longer the way he's going but not one person answered the number 10 question right. the most popular answer seemed to be 'David Beckham'. i can't believe that from a survey of random people not one of t
  17. I would tend to agree, its sad but true that most of the UK population show an almost unbelieveable ignorance when it comes to understanding the origin of most, if not all of the food they eat. If it comes from a supermarket then it must be proper wholesome food, mustn't it ? After all its prepacked and nice and clean. Most of the wild animals that are hunted have enjoyed a happy life devoid of mans influence, not so when it comes to any commercially farmed livestock Cattle are herded from field, to field, to shed to slaughterhouse, whereas a deer for example shot with a supersonic r
  18. Was it not Oscar Wilde who said that there were lies, damned lies and statistics ? Although concerning the BNP what did you really expect, they are a racist party led by a racist who even given the recent political issues concerning MP's expenses claims etc are still the political worlds tail end charlies. They may pick up a few votes here and there but most will see them for what they really are, racists and nothing more. Oh and by the way, if the BNP had, had a major political presence in the house of commons do you really think that their MP's would have been above submitting bo
  19. No word of a lie citrus fruit will do the job, however as i say you will need to replace it everyday
  20. The previously mentioned Lion/Tiger shit from the nearest zoo is, i am told, an excellent deterent. And many zoos keep the stuff for sale to gardeners. One other deterent that i have heard of as beig effective in the shorterm is the skin from citrus fruits, however you will have to keep replacing the peelings on a daily basis so thats a lot of oranges and lemons.
  21. Whilst many people in the UK will have little or no time for our current crop of politicians given the recent revelations over MPs expenses claims, i feel that a vote for the BNP is doubtless something many people will consider, but the fact remains that they are a party with extreme racist views run by a leader who has recieved a two year suspended jail sentance for his racist crimes. If you want out of Europe then vote UKIP as suggested by another poster on a prior thread. The only surprise to me is that given the present state of the country and the mess that the Labour government have m
  22. Thats sad, but there are many people in the world who own dogs and have absolutley no idea how to train or care for them. I would stick my neck on the block here and say that the dog concerned doubtless came from a rescue centre and had behavioral issues which doubtless resulted in it going to the rescue ctr in the first place. Its new owner was then vetted, to make sure that they dont hunt or fish etc or engage in any normal activity of which the insular little extreme left wing veggie shits who run the rescue ctr disaprove of. The dog probably gets a half mile walk a day if its l
  23. Sccchhhh, you've let the cat out of the bag now, everyone will want to join
  24. Not sure if you have gone down this route already but have you considered joining an owners club ? They nearly always negotiate cheap insurance with a named broker, and i am sure there must be a Volkswagen owners club in the UK that could help you out. Although be warned you may have to go on strange owners club weekends and wear a bobble hat whilst you sing songs around the camp fire In all seriousness my first car was a TR7 and i was quoted some silly prices from those insurers that were prepared to actually offer me a quote, most wouldn't bother. The TR Drivers club sorted
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