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fin and fur

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Everything posted by fin and fur

  1. Thats a nice by-catch for a few hours fishing. If you like eating them have you considered trapping a few ?
  2. Hi Folks I dont know how many of you have been following the issue of canoeists gaining unhindered access to Brisish waters but it seems to be a popular news item this week, at the top of the heap seems to be Grif Rhys Jones who states that Canoeists should have access to all waters and disrupt anglers at every given oppertunity. Grif has a programme on this Sunday (part of a series) and may i suggest that we all do our part in promoting both Angling and proper river management by boycotting this rediculous mans series, and encouraging others to do so as well. Canoeists will make n
  3. Jake Hi May i suggest that the Usk townwater would be a good start for some excellent Trout fishing. Tickets are available from Jean in Sweets tackle shop, which is on Porthycarne St in Usk itself a very short walk from the river. I should mention that the Usk (like many of the excellent Welsh rivers) is very much a spate river and sometimes is running too high, so i would suggest a call to the tackleshop on 01291 672552 would be in order to assess the rivers current fishability. There are some excellent Trout in there, and Jean should be able to tell you the current hot spots
  4. I would second that js ramsbottom suggestion, i have bought from them before and their pellets are well priced and come well packaged. however when buying mail order i would suggest that you wait until you need several other items too as the postage costs for heavy items like 5000 lead pellets will put a dent in any saving you may make from bulk purchase all the best fin and fur
  5. A worrying trend that the Police are noticing, well certainly down here in the south west, is that dogs are being stolen and held to ransom. Their owners are in most cases reluctant to contact the Police, and are often told not to do so by the dog thiefs, so i guess that the full scale of the problem will never be known. Its not just working dogs that are being stolen these days, and with ransom threats on the increase it makes you wonder if we are seeing sick oppertunists trying to turn over a fast buck in these recessionary times.
  6. Jake Hi I an assuming from your Avitar flag that you are Welsh or live in Wales ? Trust me on this, there is far, far better fishing in Wales than you will ever experience on the river Test. Have you fished the Usk ?, a ticket for the townwater cost me £14 per day last year, it was cracking fishing. On top of which you have the Towy, Teifi, Wye i could go on here but if you are after some of the best fishing in the UK then its on your doorstep. The Test is a different kettle of fish altogether, you will be casting to stocked, come to whistle pellet pigs that are put in the
  7. This Vet? from Clutton did you get his name please? Hi Little Fish The Vets name was Alex Gough aged 37, he only reported the death to the RSPCA at the insistance of his then business partner. There were two dogs in the car, both Labrabors, one of which survived.
  8. Top Gear for me too, i like the programmes format, river cottage was ok in a twee sort of way and i will stick my neck on the block by saying i liked ladette to lady
  9. I thought that with all the weight of public opinion behind this incident that a court case was inevitable. The countrymans weekly (last week or so) drew attention to a similar case (dog deaths in cars) involving a vet, of all people, from Clutton in Somerset. As Clutton is not far from me i took a keen interest in this case, it seems the RSPCA didnt want to prosecute the vet as he might prove useful to them in future when it comes to bringing cases of animal maltreatment against others (talk about hypocritical). The vet conncerned has subsequently moved to another practice, but th
  10. So very sorry to hear of your sad loss
  11. Seems to be more of the Dryads saddle mushrooms in the woods this year than there was last year. They are all over the trees.
  12. It does seem that there is more hype to swine flu than with previous viruses, which considering the generally mild effect this virus will have on the vast majority of us really is quite astounding. My only hope is that the virus remains in its present form and we see no viral mutation
  13. Voted too, i must admit that some of the ill founded comments left show where the adverage BBC viewer is in terms of basing a reasoned opinion on established facts, its a shame we have to share the world with these ignorant people.
  14. How often do people on here watch an advert on TV, remember the tune, story,event etc but completley fail to remember the product being advertised ?. This has to be an admans worst nightmare, everyone remembers the advert but forgets the product he is paid to promote. Manys the time i have been whistling away some tune from an ad but have completley forgotten the product the ad was trying to promote
  15. Is this a rerun of the series that appeared on ITV terrestrial, possibly last year or early this year ? If so i watched the series and thought that it was fair, not displaying any real bias, but as you say not showing the whole story concerning mans relationship with dogs, which i would have expected from the title was the programmes remit. I appreciate that the producers had to show the dogs in a global sense, and that therefore in condensing the relationship that many cultures have with their dogs into such a short run series could not show the whole picture, but overall i found the
  16. Whilst the dole are paying out relativley large somes of money to claimants they are robbing many people of any sense of ambition in their lives. Where is the incentive to get back to work or hold down a job when you can get more money and less hassle from sitting around at home all day and doing what you want. Little Timmy, if you are working in an office full of dicks then guess what ?, thats life, the world is full of dicks. We all work with assholes at some point or other, and i would in no way let them triumph over you, which is what you are doing when you jack in your job. Y
  17. Surprised that nobody has mentioned Tanglefoot, or any of the other Badger brewery beers. they are Kings of the commercially available stuff , head and shoulders above allcomers
  18. It does seem as suggested that it is now becoming almost too expensive to own a Dog, or any pet for that matter without getting some form of vetinary insurance. You know things are getting bad when most of the Supermarket chains start offering pet insurance. As to why vets charge so much, god only knows, but they can get away with it, there must be many people who have persued a career in dentistry or medicine, who, looking at the money vets get must have thought that they have gone down the wrong career path.
  19. I was reading through a few back issues of Trout and Salmon magazine the other day and came across a Jon Beer article detailing the waters of the Frome angling assc. Whilst predominantly a coarse fishing club, the waters apparently hold large numbers of small wild trout, so i have joined the assoc. Question is does anyone on here fish these smallish waters, either with a coarse stick or fly wand ? hopeful of a few replies many thanks f & f
  20. I guess a day like this has been on the cards for a while now. Without having to second guess what happened it is a sad show when a teacher cannot discipline students who exhibit unruly behaviour, which has a detrimental effect on the education of all in the class. When i was at school there were teachers who would throw wooden blackboard rubbers at students just for talking in class, with the ever present threat of the slipper and the cane for worser misdemeanours. Last year i was working for a client who's business was the manufacture of scientific machinery, one of the Scientist
  21. I have never fished the somerset drains, but i must admit they do look tempting. Can you gain access to all the Drains via one club, or do various clubs have the fishing rights to different drains ? I'm thinking King Sedgemoor drain, Huntspill & Brue rivers etc, they all look excellent Pike venues. all the best Fin and Fur i think they are on diffrent tickets i have fished sedgemore drain there are some monster pike we fished it novermber last year and the biggest pike we had was 23lb 8oz on lambrey fixxed to the bottom. had some grate sized roach and skimmers aswe
  22. Thanks Mate, The mersey fishing well for others I hear tope,smoothies,good size bass are their it's one of them seasons for us, The wall goes out for about 8 miles have a look at this clip Thats an interesting link, glad to see that you have good numbers of Thornback Rays on the Mersey too, and that the bass look a good size. What some of the Boat owners down here would give for a launching point like that. all the best fin and fur fin and fur, There's a couple of good areas to launch but it cost's £52 pound a year to be a member, Plus you need to pass a safe wa
  23. I read somewhere that Eel numbers have seen such a decline that the current UK population of freshwater Eels have fallen by some 85% over the last 25 years. There have been various theories offered for this decline ranging from issues in the Saragasso Sea where the Eels go to breed, to over fishing by Elvermen, i have yet to hear of a definative reason for this decline or indeed whether it is reversable. I always used to catch more Eels than anything else as a youngster in the 1970's, last year i saw just the one solitary Eel.
  24. Thanks Mate, The mersey fishing well for others I hear tope,smoothies,good size bass are their it's one of them seasons for us, The wall goes out for about 8 miles have a look at this clip Thats an interesting link, glad to see that you have good numbers of Thornback Rays on the Mersey too, and that the bass look a good size. What some of the Boat owners down here would give for a launching point like that. all the best fin and fur
  25. I have never fished the somerset drains, but i must admit they do look tempting. Can you gain access to all the Drains via one club, or do various clubs have the fishing rights to different drains ? I'm thinking King Sedgemoor drain, Huntspill & Brue rivers etc, they all look excellent Pike venues. all the best Fin and Fur
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