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Everything posted by mC HULL

  1. i use biscuit/meat diet i use minced chicken,beef,lamb,any rabbit rabbit, hare.fish even pigs heads the dogs love them i cook all meat and soak the juice/water up with some bread with redmills as the dry food
  2. i no of a few lads do it mate but with rabit or a chicken the fox will just run off with it they tend to shred it into little bits and scatter it over a patch of field sometimes with a good bit of stinking fish or fish juice they do a fair few fox a season but not really my game
  3. i don't think there is many working saluki's without him in there somewere
  4. were 4/5 week off good running so its not a bad time to talk about running set dates for a run,and what kind of coursing man slates another mans dogs then won't say yes i will run you and remember video's of dogs dont tell the full story two dogs 1 day same conditions does show's who has the better dog on the day
  5. slate the man but won't run him :icon_redface: :laugh:
  6. cant see it myself if you ring the police phone they ask you which station/desk you want lost/stolen/custody suite o a copper then who would you ask for or speak to then if they did the police would have to speak to the farmer then get it put out on all the car computers and i doubt they would give you an incident report just incase an incident happen and i recon the lamp is gone you have no proof they took it as you didnt get a confiscation sheet saying they have took it and for what reason atb though
  7. your all arguing over a mans dogs obviously he happy with them or he wouldnt kennel them or be over in england running with people fair enough its early in the season but the ground int for everydog its solid at mo, he wont give a shit what your all saying the same people been crabbing for the last week i couldnt be arsed with it it isnt like he's knobbed your lass i dont get what all the dramas about and the last thing i would do is put a dog of 3 years on the internet coursing hare seen as its been banned twice that not everybody takes video recorders with them i would/nt even take my phone
  8. you're wrong, you do have a chip on your shoulder.....the farmer can where whatever the hell he likes when he's in his farmhouse, he doesn't have to make an impression on you, you need to make one on him if you're going to get anywhere. He can also drive where ever he likes on his own land, it's his f'cking land!!! there's a world of difference between him driving a 4 x 4 across his field to tell poachers to leave and some knobs driving a subaru around a field chasing a fox! what is there to wreck??? are you serious?? CROPS for starters! fences and gates, livestock. He ain't churning up
  9. no chip on my shoulder mate, wreck there land what is there to wreck they dont think nowt of driving across them same field to tell you to do one and how many lads smash through gate fences a small minority or the ones with plenty of cash in there pocket to repair there motor everytime they went out its most of it is farmers lying to make out were all scum and the worst of it is even hunting lads believe it
  10. if your willing to get dressed for the occasion do some un paid graft have someone looking down there nose at you all for some permission then i'd rather not have it
  11. spot on, you could ask if any little jobs he might want doing as well, you see some places just dont want lurchers on there land. Keep trying you never know you might drop lucky 1 day, and when you do ask try to look bit smart while your there you may aswell bend over and :huh:aswell, when he knocks on the door all smart will the farmer opening it look smart aswell why people think you need to impress is beyond me there no better ,or though half the people on here are conditioned to think they are
  12. two dogs with there tongues hanging out doubled up on the lamp in summer
  13. if that was for me then read my post i said i wouldnt no never seen him run neither have you so what gives you the right to talk shit about his dog if its that shit run him it'll be money in the bank don't run peoples dog down then bottle a run with them defeats the object if you no his dogs are shit then yours must be shocking or youd run him
  14. the lads killing hares week in week out dont take video cameras with them its bad enough with the pigs as it is without that shit no i wasnt hare coursing i was walking me dog , this video says different your saying the lucas dog is shit i wouldnt no never seen it run i no a man thats mates with jm and he thinks the dog is the business said the last time the dog was up my way it killed 3 and that is not bad goin as the hares round me arent the worst by any means far from it there only one way to see and thats give him a run
  15. its not all about day v night everyone knows a day course is the best of the two but people who run in the day might still do them on a nights lamping on places were in the day it is far two on top or to many busy roads
  16. i/ve seen it also with dogs not at full fitness give a little yap ,but terriers are bred to yap so it could be the bedlington in it ive seen terrier blooded dogs do it seen them get off the lead and get there heads down go off for a nights hunting on there own
  17. i get a pan not put a load of water in and cook it with a lid on then i soak the juice,remaining water up with some bread
  18. never mind the dogs a bet you and the lad was f****d worth it though he'll a seen more game caught by now then most do by the time they knock it on the head were abouts the country was that tomo if you don't mind me asking atb mc
  19. could just have eaten something to fast gone down the wrong way could be abit of fur from night before atb
  20. so when your struggling to get a slip and coaxing and using skill how is that testing for the dog you just said it the hardest part is getting the slip and the dog has no control over that You sound like a bellend that has killed most of his foxes on the phone or on tinternet. FTB all am saying is the hardest part is getting the actual slip after that any dog with half decent speed will catch them ive seen some good fox dogs bull x deer hound x pure greys seen dogs that can end it quick some on impact ive seen some draw it out can someone one tell me which was the better fox do
  21. so when your struggling to get a slip and coaxing and using skill how is that testing for the dog you just said it the hardest part is getting the slip and the dog has no control over that You sound like a bellend that has killed most of his foxes on the phone or on tinternet. FTB all am saying is the hardest part is getting the actual slip after that any dog with half decent speed will catch them ive seen some good fox dogs bull x deer hound x pure greys seen dogs that can end it quick some on impact ive seen some draw it out can someone one tell me which was the better fox do
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