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Everything posted by mC HULL

  1. it's like concrete round my way
  2. you can talk some shite you :laugh: collie x arn't bad most pick and choose runs not a good thing
  3. i have used advocate on my collie based lurchers with no problems and a vet once told me that any dog can be illergic to ivomec but the reason it is mostly seen in collies is that farmers use ivomec and they mostly keep collies i have never tryed it with collie blood mate just read it on the leaflet thats in the box
  4. i use the advocate all the time it's just a mate gave me a full bottle of it last night but i don't think i will bother using it i will give to a farmer as an ice breaker to getting some permission do you need a prescription in ireland for it mate i think its good stuff well i have to go to my vet for it i cant get it in a chemist i meant can you get it from online vet pharmacys the ones in the uk will only sell it with prescription from your vets
  5. i use the advocate all the time it's just a mate gave me a full bottle of it last night but i don't think i will bother using it i will give to a farmer as an ice breaker to getting some permission do you need a prescription in ireland for it mate i think its good stuff
  6. forgot to add the spot on advocate also cant be used in collies,sheep dogs atb
  7. not 100% but i think it can be given it orally but id check with vets,they can prescribe a spot on called advocate for similar things atb
  8. Ha ha wild wolves and dogs dnt have the luxury of delia smith cracking eggs open in the kitchen Nat ;-) he's avin a laugh and people cant be daft enough to believe him throw the dog an egg what goodness is in egg shell veryvery little :laugh: i've heard it all :laugh: google it, the shell contains good source of calcium... haha might have calcium in it but so does all dog food and i tell you what any dog that eats egg shells must be fecking starving :yes:throw your dogg a full egg see what happens ha :laugh:
  9. his recall is crap because before he didn't have distractions that he does now, his recall has got to link into his drive somehow , the dogs drive is his strongest pull,simple as that ,nothing is stronger,,,and thats the pull your up against try feeding 2 hounds this year at Clonmell ,when the hare has came through the channel and into sight,,impossible i would think,,treats are not in the same league his drive is pulling away from you,,because he dont equate you with him been in drive,, a dog playing with a ball can be in drive,a dog playing tug can be in drive,, lose treats think play i
  10. garlic yes spot on keeps the fleas and ticks away cause they suck on blood just like vampires :laugh:
  11. y Ha ha wild wolves and dogs dnt have the luxury of delia smith cracking eggs open in the kitchen Nat ;-) he's avin a laugh and people cant be daft enough to believe him throw the dog an egg what goodness is in egg shell veryvery little :laugh: i've heard it all :laugh:
  12. i personally dont think theres no need for cod liver oil etc aslong as you have a good base complete food as that as all the vitamins and minerals you need unless your dog is suffering from things like bad cramping then you may need pasta,bread,rice things like that or foods high in potassium or pure potassium
  13. i'd just walk off mate pay no attention to the dog and do my own thing recalling it is just what it wants when its young on the lamp after a slip keep the lamp off till he comes back if that means walking for five minutes so be it don't be calling of the dog just wait till he comes to you lead it up then lamp again don,t no about lads on here but i never need to call of my dogs they come to me soon as the run over trying to be quiet on the lamp and then shouting of a dog kind of defeats the object and dont scruff nothing when it comes back or it won't come back and dont praise it neither just
  14. i use biscuit/meat diet i use minced chicken,beef,lamb,any rabbit rabbit, hare.fish even pigs heads the dogs love them i cook all meat and soak the juice/water up with some bread with redmills as the dry food
  15. i no of a few lads do it mate but with rabit or a chicken the fox will just run off with it they tend to shred it into little bits and scatter it over a patch of field sometimes with a good bit of stinking fish or fish juice they do a fair few fox a season but not really my game
  16. i don't think there is many working saluki's without him in there somewere
  17. were 4/5 week off good running so its not a bad time to talk about running set dates for a run,and what kind of coursing man slates another mans dogs then won't say yes i will run you and remember video's of dogs dont tell the full story two dogs 1 day same conditions does show's who has the better dog on the day
  18. slate the man but won't run him :icon_redface: :laugh:
  19. cant see it myself if you ring the police phone they ask you which station/desk you want lost/stolen/custody suite o a copper then who would you ask for or speak to then if they did the police would have to speak to the farmer then get it put out on all the car computers and i doubt they would give you an incident report just incase an incident happen and i recon the lamp is gone you have no proof they took it as you didnt get a confiscation sheet saying they have took it and for what reason atb though
  20. your all arguing over a mans dogs obviously he happy with them or he wouldnt kennel them or be over in england running with people fair enough its early in the season but the ground int for everydog its solid at mo, he wont give a shit what your all saying the same people been crabbing for the last week i couldnt be arsed with it it isnt like he's knobbed your lass i dont get what all the dramas about and the last thing i would do is put a dog of 3 years on the internet coursing hare seen as its been banned twice that not everybody takes video recorders with them i would/nt even take my phone
  21. you're wrong, you do have a chip on your shoulder.....the farmer can where whatever the hell he likes when he's in his farmhouse, he doesn't have to make an impression on you, you need to make one on him if you're going to get anywhere. He can also drive where ever he likes on his own land, it's his f'cking land!!! there's a world of difference between him driving a 4 x 4 across his field to tell poachers to leave and some knobs driving a subaru around a field chasing a fox! what is there to wreck??? are you serious?? CROPS for starters! fences and gates, livestock. He ain't churning up
  22. no chip on my shoulder mate, wreck there land what is there to wreck they dont think nowt of driving across them same field to tell you to do one and how many lads smash through gate fences a small minority or the ones with plenty of cash in there pocket to repair there motor everytime they went out its most of it is farmers lying to make out were all scum and the worst of it is even hunting lads believe it
  23. if your willing to get dressed for the occasion do some un paid graft have someone looking down there nose at you all for some permission then i'd rather not have it
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