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Everything posted by mC HULL

  1. What rifle is it meg could need bedding spring may be in wrong way to before have you more recoil fit any new parts
  2. I've never shot a sfs tuned gun pianoman what's involved is it like a drop in kit with trigger etc polished Or is it like a v mach different comp tube and piston running on synthetic bearings plus tophat spring guide cheers
  3. The tbt kits got to worth a try for the money a spring is twenty quid so 50 quid for spring snuggly fitting spring guide Top hats with slip band and washers plus grease can't be bad polish piston and new spring ends fit delrin spring guide Top hat slip washer bit of grease be a different gun I aren't sure if the drop in kit increase power though so may need a chronograph then you can have it how you want Atb
  4. I agree jonjon once you have spring guide tophat Then it's type of spring size of tophat pre load ect you like not one fits all I have a 97k got it in synthetic stock but not for me so put it in mk2 stock defo needs some work Compared to my 77k it's harsh but I've no doubt Short stroke right spring ,guide tophat it'll transform into a dream with very little recoil You no when your there you'll be able to watch the pellet strike In a hw the drop in kits would be a transformation Buy what air arms I've shot tx pp they felt tuned as is tx basically hw77 25mm tuned Atb
  5. I have a few rifles mate mainly weihrauch I'm not a big lover of air arms although they are Smooth to shoot they come out the box tuned really so I was wondering are the drop in kits any use as they come with tophat spring guides even synthetic bearings so really what can be improved apart from short stroke if you like that but really your trying to tune a tuned gun atb
  6. I look forward to the review on the 77 got to be my favorite springer got a newer 97k but I always find myself picking the 77k up when I go out Do sandwell just fit new spring spring guide and Top hat polish piston and trigger Or do the fit synthetic bearings aswell Like a v glide atb
  7. The hw95 is standard no spring guide tophat or synthetic bearings were as the tx would be more a tuned rifle out the box It'll be a lot smoother less recoil Is there really much you can do to a tx or prosport apart from short stroke tuning wise I haven't really had much to do with air arms tx i didn't really like how it shouldered the prosport looks the part but like been said underlever feels crap but what I can see there tuned from factory prosport been a copy of a venom mach 2 And the cd trigger been a copy of the mach trigger which is really a copy tweak of the rekord so should
  8. they dogs pal if they fighting and 1 is backing off then they wont cause damage the dog backing off will always back off the pup will be the leader of the pack lol if two a your dogs a fighting but none giving in and hurting each other then I split them up or one id be dead
  9. I get stronghold £5 a dog from my vet just go in to pharmacy part they weigh your dog
  10. I agree with sky sometimes bond wont fully come until you take them hunting ive known lads pull there hair out through it quickest way to get them out of it is lamping slip on bunny if it misses dont move on or lamp till its back on lead it can take patience some can just be doing it because it no's your walk and no's it off home it isnt ready lead it up earlier than you normally do
  11. Seen it work for dogs that are nervous shaking aroind time bonfire night it just relaxes them mskes them drowsy
  12. I wouldnt worry about it bit a antiseptic cream salt water is good to clean with first time but keep doing it daily itll take forever to heal
  13. He come on for an opinion on is dog the general opinion was get to vets which he did its always handy to have antibiotics and pain relief anti inflammatorys to hand (metacam or carprieve) runni g your dog you get constant knocks gashs etc 90%a the time all vets give you is antibiotics and pain relief just see a greyhound man stock up
  14. Iborpurafen no good dogs aspirin or paracetomol but onlly small doses for a short time its needs metecam or carpreve and Some amoxicillin iodine couple a quid chemist best to go to vets if dog in pain youll no cos its breathing will be different
  15. Not cost much at vets 30 quid to see them prob 15 quid for antibiotic and some metacam keep it clean
  16. If the dog is in pain it'll need a vet unless you have any to hand if not in pain just keep it clean some iodine on it maybe need some antibiotics
  17. Some are aggressive I dont mind it but find when they get hold they go straight for the throat and a trying to kill it were as the one that arent aggressive just give a few tears when they fight my bitch got a bit of a raggin when it was a pup its ok round dogs but if they are aggressive it'll kill them if you arent quick best thing I find if a dog comes trying to attack is to take your dog of the lead two bull terriers come to me I let dog off lead they had a little tyssle me dog took off with them chasing once it got them tired one started nashing off the other tryed following but me dog wou
  18. How you used her as purely day dog or general hunter how she compare to your uk dogs cheers
  19. no i dont , but in know a few folk in europe that do Was your import from racing dogs or workers she a nice stamp how she turn out in field
  20. It that do you do rio race your saluki's
  21. Im saying the ones not run mean nothing its the score when dark regardless
  22. but how can it be a loss if bully has a hare left to run, that's like saying he missed it, that be like me say bully beat Lucas because he had a hare left too run, 1 statement would be as unfair as the next but how can it be a loss if bully has a hare left to run, that's like saying he missed it, that be like me say bully beat Lucas because he had a hare left too run, 1 statement would be as unfair as the nexthe was a hare behind he lossed no you saying he had a hare left so its a draw so your counting the hare he didnt run as a kill are u not
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