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Everything posted by mC HULL

  1. and when you do criticise islam they reply you read it wrong what's your source they can't explain it to you cos your thick so why bother when they the numb c**t following a ideology from 1500 year ago and we are numb
  2. desert bred you talked sense in your first post then dropped the its not about islam bollocks when they are doing exactly what the prophet muhammad done rape murder and sexually enslave non believers so how has this nothing to do with islam
  3. desert bred you talked sense in your first post then dropped the its not about islam bollocks when they are doing exactly what the prophet muhammad done rape murder and sexually enslave non believers so how has this nothing to do with islam
  4. it will come out in patches and clumps if it's malting good brush every day soon have summer coat I'm on me phone can't see picture great what's skin like underneath atb
  5. they can be evil look like a rabid dog once you have one like it any you get after take it straight aboard atb
  6. my saluki xs a great guard dogs no one get near my back yard
  7. correct blowing kids up cowards they play the victim while raping and killing children
  8. i have no wish to know what goes on in a mosque ,infact i think they should all be levelled ,and any follower of that barbaric religion ,removed from my land there is no place for them here . i want them all gone they do not belong in blighty ...they are backwards and knuckle dragger s who in this day and age takes something from thousands a year's ago as gospel with all we no today
  9. No one is responsible for the bombings, other than the guy pulling the cord Final point , do not read too much into the deployment of troops, we certainly aren't planning a coup de tat or becoming the as We're there to protect strategic places and to ensure public safety You will not be seeing 3 Para cutting around London in rmwiks and blacked out faces no ones fault but the man pulling the string words fail me
  10. well said desertbred you've blamed everyone but your religion nobody else is slaying children intentionally in the name of religion apart from muslims
  11. No wonder we could only find them first light lol Old boy near me picks them bluestalks up down the street loves them with is bacon must of been only time he had mushrooms as a kid lol I'm wary like been said some will make you ill atb
  12. Don't look like like liberty to Me liberty are brownish have a nipper on top lol atb
  13. Some cracking work mac think I'll have to get the axe out only a few dings on mine mate lol atb be home in an hour o so ill take some pics put them up cheers atb
  14. TX200hc .22 ..... best of British [/quote There about as British as a weihrauch lol german barrel stock from Italy don't get me wrong there assembled in uk but I think weihrauch are aswell at hull cartridge lol atb
  15. I'd go old 77k aswell best springer ever made if you ask me the 97 is quality but the stock how it shoulders feel of the 77 wins it for me plus there defo a better shot cycle from a 77 with the 25mm internals atb
  16. I'd go with a titan mate they good springs
  17. I'm same Jon Jon love the look of the 98 like the stock shrouded barrel heavy like the like the look of that sfs imp aswell though bit lighter for lugging about atb
  18. Lots mate. Every man and his shed is a tuner V-Mach TbT Paul Short Nick Gibney Sandwell Ratwork To name a few... They all pretty much consist of the same process. With perhaps small differences that they can say is theres. The most experimental could be Paul with his lathe. Tbt kits Welsh willie kits and sfs are basically the same spring tophat and spring guide Grease so polish piston be bur piston were the cocking arm goes up and down polish latch rod were it engages trigger sear polish spring ends or full spring put a wash1er in the piston end before tophat and spring Trigge
  19. I agree missing hitting mud or cracking a rabbit noise will scare the rest But if you have a tuned gun like a venom or even an walther lgv out the box the difference in noise when you fit a silencer is undeniable there is hardly no spring noise anyway so fit a silencer and the muzzle crack is gone Massive difference atb
  20. I don't no mate never done it is it polished to a mirror finish but if there was out wrong in the bore I'd think you would get a funny spread of power on the chronograph It might just need bedding in Getting used to you aren't resting it on anything to shoot are you If power is consistent I can't see why it would shoot all over if conditions were your shooting are good atb
  21. Is there any noticeable difference in recoil since you put kit in the bore wants honing not polishing similar to a car bore it should have come like it with a crosshatched pattern inside piston wants polishing atb
  22. I don't really touch my barrels cleaning wise you want a washer on piston end for tophat to slip on Should be smooth once kits in noticeable difference from before regarding recoil May just need bedding in if you have a chronograph best to check there's not a massive spread atb
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