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Everything posted by mC HULL

  1. might do but i doubt it you breed of a bitch that chases it push it miss do same over and over to a dog that do's the same chances are pups do same then again thats rough ground be harder to keep tight a bit a softness under foot they might be like glue to the hare be good to see them on over here
  2. dogs look well sandy enjoyed reading the thread likes been said they bred for a long time to course doubled up for points similar to a coursing greyhound but less speed a bit more stamina but by the looks not a lot more stamina after a few turns they getting dragged about they bred for chasing if one sat back used it head and killed it proberly get culled plus they look like they got shit mouths what is surprising they look like whippet greys but they hardy running that ground what they run like up to there wrists in slop atb
  3. there's plenty a good kibble lol
  4. there a 3/4 on dragon driving from platt stuff
  5. if the dogs hunting up i would walk off across fields few hundred meters then start lamping again the dog will soon follow once it comes back to lamp turn it off stand still call it in lead it up carry on lamping keep doing it after a few runs it will soon realise the quicker im back on the lead quicker im chasing again the terrier crosses that hit the briars and stay in them all night are alot worse lol
  6. i got one a these pups picked him up last night my mate got the other both in pristine condition settled straight away eating real well i think 400 notes is about right not alot for a well bred pup and these are well bred and had everything they could need by looks of them credit to ryan
  7. Got to agree with desertbred That's why it's best to see a vet it's easy to think it's the foot when they holding back leg up but it can be multiple things atb
  8. Foolish in so many ways as been said and the little niggles your dogs pick up now will show up later in the season
  9. Spot on rich and always good idea to have some pain killers and anti inflamatories on hand
  10. soon go rich got a look a Nero
  11. you'll proberly get more Christmas presents if your mam and dad both work atb
  12. should get what your after both tried tested atb
  13. old terrier man brought up waste not want not lol
  14. you seen plenty of the bitch or just the last few month not really seen much of her at the right time of year in the last few month atb
  15. try staying still with lamp off till it comes back then carry on soon suss it but some just hunt up I found worse with terrier crosses seen some hit edges dissappear for the night get back to motor they pop out near you not for me
  16. I find it easier with my white dog rather then my black tan when I'm lamping whites alot easier to keep lamp on at distance I find myself loosing site alot easier of the blact tan on big slips
  17. nothernlite your on my Christmas card list
  18. snp no better sturgeon another deluded immigrant lover thinks England the enemy just glad most Scots relised
  19. you only have to look at the f***ing idiots who vote labour to no they the party of the dole heads dippy f***ing students that follow like sheep and immigrants nobody in the sane mind would vote for labour corbyn is a fool them silly students who all voted really did think it would be free to party do f**k all and learn f**k all while they at uni lol they talk democracy then try to revoke a referendum lol the people have spoken and because they don't like it they Want to do it till the outcome suits them labour are worse than the nazis
  20. it's only going to get worst they can say it's us the evil white man all they like but uk has took in and helped just about every race religion there is theres only one that does it to us and there all colours but all one religion they don't integrate and live peacefully with each the same way lads on here feel about Finsbury Park is exactly the way muslims will feel when manchester happened or London deep down there will be no real compassion they're at war with us we've bombed them in there homeland they done same to us only a fool would think we can live in harmony there's on
  21. and they laughing at us look at that scum sadiq khan wants a travel ban on trump our ally someone who khan called for putting a ban on travel from libya then we get bombed by a scum bag returning from there and khan wants a ban on trump but has said f**k all about banning isis fighter returning home guess what he's labour we have A terrorist sympathiser as mayor of our capital we have labour candidates in Rochdale who gave character references for the rape gangs in Rochdale the then corbyn wants to sit down with terrorists the party is a cesspit of scum
  22. and Corbyn memory is as short as your mate he stands and says police cuts to blame I told you what would happen it was his shite party who nearly bankrupt the country the same party who left note s laughing there's no money left same party who took us to war then let immigrants in from country's that they took us to war with they are 1000% to blame for the shit were in now and have been for the last 15 year
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