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Everything posted by mC HULL

  1. what ever happened to field craft silly c**ts on the rifles have nv round here wiping everything out hares fox deer they dont stand a chance f***ing wasters
  2. thats the one bill goes greasy when it has breakouts
  3. ill give it a try on me old bitch poxon she gets bit on back leg and on the ears clears up after a few week advocate even kids dick lotion clear it but shite to look at and cant be good for the bitch you got 4 dogs all living together eating same 3 look well one with a bit a mange on back leg its head doing lol even more head doing is she was a good bitch id of had a pup from her but no good breeding of a bitch like that
  4. like been said dermodectic mange all dogs have the mite conditions normally plays part but some dogs immune system a shite to it i have a black and tan bitch now all its life has little outbreaks advocate works a treat but as it getting older its skin getting worse black and tan more suseptable you can have 12 pups together until there 12 month and only one will ever break out in it best cull that dog or if conditionss there in a bad more than one will have it atb
  5. how do led compare to lightfore 170/240 the few ive seen tracer been poor really atb
  6. i think ginger got it from jon stanley wasnt there cup of tea but bred some good uns dogs about today still go back to him my dads best pure was called luke big cream dog sparce feathering killed big numbers sired good few pups there was pures that could kill 3s and 4s atb
  7. maxhardcore advertised good grey studs atb
  8. if you go on the saluki arabian center youtube clip its 2.54 long pause it at 1.05
  9. as long as they knock them over thats all really matters atb
  10. english greyhounds everywere now arent they even arabs taking uk stock back to breed with theres another thing i may be way off but all these coo dogs with cropped ears all the old photos you see 1800 early 1900 none have cropped ears do they crop the ears on the hounds that a turned back ive seen photos of dogs with one ear cropped is this because dog only had one turned back ear
  11. i agree gilbey some a the pures look very greyhoundy in coo even imports i havent seen is it rio off heres iranian import for abit but that looked abit like the colour of lucky tina brindle black tan some of them iraninan dogs a throwing brindle pups now brindle salukis out a nowere even uk lines with gc joes in them both sides dont throw that many brindles really
  12. springbarn appears in princes prd as gtgt grandsire on the sires side two crow so hes in there me old man bred prince gingers luke the saluki in fly blue all come from me dad deacon aswell similar breeding willies toughs roxy most what the coursing lads got hold of was his blood they called it windswift and him saluki mac atb
  13. most a the old lines what we run today is merlin eve breeding and what isnt has same saluki blood in them as merlin eve
  14. some pups on dragons driving out a him atb
  15. its a bad state when good lads a scared to breed in case they get labeled a peddler atb
  16. exactly to many idiots jump on band wagon an say peddler if there stocks in good order and people buy i wouldnt worry about the dick heads what i was saying is if poxon has a bitch throws descent pups why not have a few litters put abit a quality on the floor by keeping good stuff under wrapd and not spreading it hes doing the breed no favours if that makes sense atb
  17. no if the dogs a in good order pups look well in good order hes breeding good stock hows he a peddler atb
  18. so theres not much cop about why dont you breed a few litters put abit a quality on the floor or your welsh mate if your answer is i only breed for myself my mates then maybe your part of the problem atb
  19. might have something to do with anyone breeding any gets called a pedler lol
  20. got to agree especially in puppys they arent potentially missing out then this pup i got at min is on wainwrights puppy kibble and the wainwright trays i still give beef lamb ox heart chicken wings few times a week but its easier aswell especially with a pup eating more often when lads a been putting food up in dishes you giving that twice a day my bitch only skinny light bitch fussy eater but in season even now getting ready would get that twice a day at least more after hard graft dead a winter
  21. pure greyhounds i seen dispatch fox rapid but they dont last all night pick up injurys but kill them no bother terrier ads stamina better coat better feet wont get sickened as quick
  22. had my pup the other day at me mates horses got a clip off the horse steers clear now they stamp um similar to rats but plenty a horse get attacked by dogs like ya say when havent been chopped there fuckers charge ya rear up the lot i hate the bulls stay well clear a them
  23. all winter i give beef dripping with food go in chippy ask to buy a block keep weight on never fed while running bill bit a lucozade sport lol but never food
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