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Everything posted by mC HULL

  1. the only foxes that can be called in are usually the young at the start of the season now an again i've had the odd descent 1 in but nomally its the young i normally give a little squeak on my had and when lamping them dont put the beam on them just try and do it so there eyes reflect back but ive never tryed any other way
  2. [bANNED TEXT] mate there only 90 pound new where i am (humberside)
  3. ill get you some pics within a few weeks i dont see the boy or dog alot but ill defo try my best to get pics, hes 28 tts by the way lump of a dog catches hares easy and he could snap a fox in seconds (pre ban) if hes 28tts i would say hes cross greyhound as a lot of salukis ive seen dont make 28tts they can
  4. i have owned a dog with a bit of bull in and still have got him he is 9 now and still will do rabbit and the odd fox and roe when he was younger he wasn/t that bad on the hares neither but a hare is the ultimate test for a dog to catch and i dont mean on the lamp how many bull greyhounds can do more then one hare in the day and regually i am yet to see 1 but ive only seen a half a dozen run why is everyone thinking about a bull greyhound? what about a salukie bull iv seen a few of them and all the boys i know with them will never turn back to a bull greyhound for sum reason, but them
  5. i have owned a dog with a bit of bull in and still have got him he is 9 now and still will do rabbit and the odd fox and roe when he was younger he wasn/t that bad on the hares neither but a hare is the ultimate test for a dog to catch and i dont mean on the lamp how many bull greyhounds can do more then one hare in the day and regually i am yet to see 1 but ive only seen a half a dozen run
  6. i have owned a dog with a bit of bull in and still have got him he is 9 now and still will do rabbit and the odd fox and roe when he was younger he wasn/t that bad on the hares neither but a hare is the ultimate test for a dog to catch and i dont mean on the lamp how many bull greyhounds can do more then one hare in the day and regually i am yet to see 1 but ive only seen a half a dozen run
  7. see what i mean another day walker that talks shit just because hes got coursing dogs what makes you think he doesn't use them on the night and still do as good as a bull xs would on the lamp
  8. this dog you have here will do fox just give it a go maybe with another dog the first few times it will soon learn whats what
  9. in hull before a saluki the best dog in the area was a greyhound called jodie or so am told this was 25 years + then a man called roy mckenzie got a saluki coursed it an it was better than the greyhound he bred am there was suposed to be good dogs but he died 20 years ago but i hear a lot of the salukis today a got is breeding in them sorry a lot of the saluki greyhounds have got is breeding in them today
  10. in hull before a saluki the best dog in the area was a greyhound called jodie or so am told this was 25 years + then a man called roy mckenzie got a saluki coursed it an it was better than the greyhound he bred am there was suposed to be good dogs but he died 20 years ago but i hear a lot of the salukis today a got is breeding in them
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