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Everything posted by mC HULL

  1. He's in his 70's now ...dont think he works any of his stud dogs but I could be wrong....do you think its important? well yeah cos if i was buying a WORKING dog a would at least want one off of working parents!!!! Why?....dogs arn't born workers thats something they have to learn...and given that any pup you buy is around the 7 - 8 week mark it wont have learned anything from mum. and in the case of a 3/4grey x the likelyhood is that the dam hasn't been worked..so it dont really matter doe's it? shite!!!!!!!!! a prey drive isn't taught they chase because it's in them bre
  2. Its a shame but there plenty more like you and embarassing to think people all round the world see this site.It was your sort I was trying to draw out on this issue.It took a while because it was getting confused with control, but here you are at last for all to see BRAGGING about killing youngsters because its easy for your dogs and you.Dont bother trying to make it a joke either.Its folks like you that get the lurcher a bad name.Then again I dont suppose its your fault you must feel inadequate and lack the confidence to do it right. Mate you need to get out more, you vegaterian sprin
  3. a lot of the pure's have a real nasty streak to them and i would say fox is not a problem the one's i have seen it has been over very quick
  4. mate you talk utter shite your saying a saluki isn't a good running dog i can't believe what i'm hearing it's been around thousand's of year's doing just that and are still doing it and will still be doing it long after bull xs and that's a fact what out of fox,deer,hare and rabbit do you think a bull x is better on tha a saluki x if you was to go up and down the country lamping and coursing with 1 dog slip's ??? Listen mate.. Im not sayin a saluki cant run at all, far from it. But what i am sayin is that i disagree with your statement that a first cross has no speed.. That is utter shite.
  5. mate you talk utter shite your saying a saluki isn't a good running dog i can't believe what i'm hearing it's been around thousand's of year's doing just that and are still doing it and will still be doing it long after bull xs and that's a fact what out of fox,deer,hare and rabbit do you think a bull x is better on tha a saluki x if you was to go up and down the country lamping and coursing with 1 dog slip's ???
  6. it's all about what you breed the dog for a half x bull hasn't alot of speed you get full saluki's that can catch in small field's some are only good for big land the fast bull's are normally 3/4 greyhound if you get a 3'4 greyhound 1/4 saluki you would have no problem in small field's a lad here had one it was one good dog What a load of shite.. There are some racey 1st cross dogs that will smash salukis all over the place in small fields.. In fact most of them will. Have you ever seen one run, or do your lips move before you think.. Why do people add a dash of bull to the non ped racers
  7. my 17 amp lasts about 4 hour's when on the striker
  8. it's all about what you breed the dog for a half x bull hasn't alot of speed you get full saluki's that can catch in small field's some are only good for big land the fast bull's are normally 3/4 greyhound if you get a 3'4 greyhound 1/4 saluki you would have no problem in small field's a lad here had one it was one good dog
  9. what they don't do obedience with saluki's anyway were on about hunting ability Stop banging your head and read the small print "I'm approaching this from a trainabilty angle" yes i no what i was saying is they do obedience with saluki's aswell saluki's aren't the easiest to train but with a bit of effort it can be done
  10. what they don't do obedience with saluki's anyway were on about hunting ability
  11. What.. Have you been living in cuckoo land!! i have seen half x 3/8 x 3/4 greyhound x but on rabbit's and hare they aren't much good fox and deer maybe were as a saluki cross is capable of all and this topic was about the allrounder walking the field's not driving slipping dog's one at a time in my opion the saluki crosses are better
  12. single handed isnt an allrounder thats the topic if the topic was hare id understand maybe what the topic was about .but it does state allrounder and in my neck of the woods i no very few men with bulls or salukis and then use them as an allround dog by single handed i mean by it's self either lamping or coursing just the one dog on the fox hare deer or rabbit which dog would catch the most
  13. what is better single handed not alot of bull xs i have seen can regually catch without been doubled up
  14. bet its great watching your dog pull down a deer...they must be pretty hard for the dog to pull down? its brill dont take long to take the small specs down wonce the dog on there windpipe there over and dun with happyhunting silenthunter.... when my dog has had deer he just grabs and hold's it's then left to you
  15. proberly one of them designer dog's designed for what i don't f*****g no
  16. a kid with common sense sat you're out ferreting say you have your net's ferret and ferret box in mine i will put paper then there bedding on top say your ferret stay's down is it not common sense to take a bit of that paper and use it to smoke your ferret out
  17. LOl i remember when i 1st started ferretin was a bout 13 and i tried smoking a hob out.The only thing that got smoked out was me Its the joys of being young.You listen to all the stories of hunting from some of the dubiost of charachters.I can still remember being told to blow smoke in there face or pinging their nose before entering a burrow."IT MAKES THEM MAD YOU SEE". I really miss my childhood at times.It was so much easier back then mate it's common sense you have hole's on a bank you find the lowest hole set whatever on fire the smoke will then be drawn through the rest of
  18. take a few page's of the the sun, anything if it smoke's it will work you can get the smoker's from your gun shop i don't mean a rat attack or chainsaw nowt like that
  19. i aren't saying smoke the rabbit's out i have never heard of anyone doing that all i'm saying on the odd occassion the ferret grip's one and stay's you can alway's smoke it out that's the way i have alway's seen it done and were have you seen that before enlighten me as to what you mean cheer's
  20. so, you think it's neccessary to have a terrier LRF, yet are asking if a ferret one is needed, does that mean you dont value ferrets as much but ditch, how do you consider something, that had'ent been invented i'd say with a terrier he's using one so he dig's down straight to it proberly he has a terrier that stay's till dug to, were as with the ferret's if you just net the hole's job done if the ferret do get hold of one and stay eating it you can alway's smoke them out alot faster than digging to them in my opion i prefere using smaller ferret's that way when they
  21. what scope do you have how did you set it
  22. mC HULL

    Pit Bull News

    all the story say's is the dog's good round people but they were never bred to be vicious to human's so because there round human's and aren't showing no sign's of aggression really mean's nothing i bet if you put a dog near him it would be a whole different story
  23. near grimsby i think mate they should make good little rabbiting dog's
  24. no what have we got to be proud of??
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