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Everything posted by mC HULL

  1. How many game line pits can be let of to play with other dog lol so how are all these pet bull Xs game then lol
  2. Lol it’s the definition of game lol going and going until it can’t I don’t mean stopping coming back getting it’s breath running next I mean the dogs never same again sometimes don’t make it but no they not game
  3. Lol no a dog that will chase until it drops isn’t game is it lol But a dog that weighs four time what it’s got hold of is as game as they come lol run hares for a few week and watch your game bull x get sick lol ears back rail tucked that’s a fact lol
  4. Pics ?? If you want a run anytime we have a go out me mate got a skinny bitch not even 20kg tackle any fox atb
  5. Unless you have 1000 of acres permission you’ll soon wipe them out especially ferreting atb
  6. Lol if I was talking like a c**t I’d be saying foxes are hard quarry only big bull x will do or anything 3/4 greyhound has tough skin and solid feet lol when in reality foxes was getting killed by dogs way before the first bull x was about by whippets pure greys and collie curs and If you think saluki saturated dogs Can’t be as nasty and game as other lurchers well kettle calling pot springs to mind now out with terriers different
  7. The carry back to the car is when you no you should a been fitter lol
  8. Little things show behind an hare lamping them same dogs would look sound I’ve had bitches come in season couldn’t kill a hare still looking 100 percent lamping
  9. You replied as I did joe I agree and which cross is the kamikaze runner
  10. Joe you have a saluki x they run different on average to a bull x a saluki isn’t beating the ground it slows up on some land turn up speed on others they run clever so not to damage there self a bull x run same on plow seed stony land even the road they powerfull runners that equals a knocked up dog no one can truthfully tell me a 1/4 bull 3/4 grey doesn’t get banged up more then a saluki cross and the 1/4 bull 3/4 grey only cross worth a carrot any way
  11. a coursing dog running it heart out on the best quarry there is taking itself to the limit every time it’s out if you run a saluki x as a bull x knocking about lamping it last till 12 if you took a bull x doing what a saluki x was doing it wouldn’t be there by 12 o’clock dinner time I’m not slating the bull x sensible handy dogs but theres limits to them is all I’m saying atb
  12. Not one mate tell a lie one Out of a half cross to coursing bitch handy dog died old age on me old lady’s couch but seen plenty late 90s best one I ever seen a belting dog see if mate got a few pictures also seen saluki saturated dogs that are stronger gamer then a bull x
  13. So have I on stoney land up hill lol and no bull x is lasting longer than a saluki x lol
  14. can’t see it me self mate it everyday chasing other dogs all sorts a land never had so much as a bleeding toe nail a bull x do nothing but bang there feet up mate
  15. For one you can walk the land and slip at 100 plus yards lol save your petrol by not driving the land throwing dogs out windows lol 2 you only have to feed one dog instead a 2 or more and 3 the old wobble after a run be seen a lot less
  16. that razor is stamp tried and tested but maybe better just getting a coursing hound if you need speed and stamina size is irrelavent really atb
  17. I got a pup off Romeo two crows I’d have another in a drop of a hat fearless switched on pup 61/2. Month old it thinks it ready now
  18. what ever happened to field craft silly c**ts on the rifles have nv round here wiping everything out hares fox deer they dont stand a chance f***ing wasters
  19. thats the one bill goes greasy when it has breakouts
  20. ill give it a try on me old bitch poxon she gets bit on back leg and on the ears clears up after a few week advocate even kids dick lotion clear it but shite to look at and cant be good for the bitch you got 4 dogs all living together eating same 3 look well one with a bit a mange on back leg its head doing lol even more head doing is she was a good bitch id of had a pup from her but no good breeding of a bitch like that
  21. like been said dermodectic mange all dogs have the mite conditions normally plays part but some dogs immune system a shite to it i have a black and tan bitch now all its life has little outbreaks advocate works a treat but as it getting older its skin getting worse black and tan more suseptable you can have 12 pups together until there 12 month and only one will ever break out in it best cull that dog or if conditionss there in a bad more than one will have it atb
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