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Everything posted by mC HULL

  1. i got it with 2 dog pups one survived and one was pts because blood was mixing in intestines and it got a blood infection aswell 1 that survived was on drip for 4 days come home looking like bone he turned into a big strong dog atb
  2. they done tests to see if its parvo said the same to me with gastrointeritus payed to have it checked for parvo and that is what it was treatment is the same so they dont always check atb
  3. If caught with rabbits but the case against you is poaching hares (and that depends who is bringing the case) you could get "a bit of" jail and a fine. And your gear and dogs confiscated. if your caught with rabbits then how can you get done for hare??you cant tget jail for rabbit or hare not unless you broke an asbo they put in place Wasn't there a Scottish case in 2010 where the guys were done on public land? Their defence was they were rabbitting. I think you have to be realistic here. It doesn't matter what you're intended quarry is if you are poaching. The RSPCA have money
  4. nearly end of season mate spend time with pup over summer be 1 by the time season comes perfect to start people tend not to sell good dogs mainly shite
  5. If caught with rabbits but the case against you is poaching hares (and that depends who is bringing the case) you could get "a bit of" jail and a fine. And your gear and dogs confiscated. if your caught with rabbits then how can you get done for hare??you cant tget jail for rabbit or hare not unless you broke an asbo they put in place
  6. i think caught with bunnys worst be a fine £100 o so fox they take dog report rspca same with deer depending how you dispatch it could be a bit of jail
  7. never the less mate am looking at going the seoson without a runnable dog,not a nice thought,bassically all i can do is ferriting what isny really ma favorite working sport, 7 weeks o so left of the season so your not looking at going a season without a runnable dog you have manage for most of the season without an a 4 month pup running january not great time to start a pup let alone one 4 month
  8. whats up with you it was still there a should a bet you a grand
  9. your young dog ran well kc ground bottomless the seed was that bad i was glad for that one field a weathered plough the one in the photo was run for a good 2 mins on seed after a descent slip everyturn he got tighter and tighter and on the ones he missed he was still tight boxing away but they get 2 metre on a turn near cover there gone kc and ra are 2 sound lads id have a day out with them any time
  10. looks like you had a good day lads big land heavy going plenty of runs
  11. if you ring 112 instead of 999 they can pinpoint where you are always thought 112 was european emergency number you think if you snapped your leg rang 112 there'd pin pont your location and come get you midddle a nowhere early hours you could show the air ambulance were you are by lamp at best you be rhere a fair few hours atb 112 is used all through out europe , i got the fact its better to ring them instead of 999 if you dont know where you are from one of the booklets the hospital give you when youve had a heart attack ... you no more than me mate i just thought it was
  12. if you ring 112 instead of 999 they can pinpoint where you are always thought 112 was european emergency number you think if you snapped your leg rang 112 there'd pin pont your location and come get you midddle a nowhere early hours you could show the air ambulance were you are by lamp at best you be rhere a fair few hours atb
  13. it happened when i was out with a mate last season during the day his bitch went over a dike and shattered its front leg we was about an hour taking it in turns carrying it to get to the car went to vets and it got pts we wouldnt of made it to the car if there want two of us atb
  14. lamping not bad on your own but anything happens to the dog i.e broke leg its not easy carry a small lurcher a couple of fields never mind a 25kg dog on your own two people and it/ll be a struggle if your 30mins from car it.d be rough just a thought atb
  15. are you sure its not summer????? Winter-nov-dec-jan spring-feb-mar-April-summer-may June-July-Autumn-august -September- October may be am wrong but is there not 3 months in each season?????? No mae there's not ! LOL ! Believe me, August is summer !! Cheers. So there 4 seasons how many months are in a season ??????? The seasonal year doesn't divide equaly into four segments, mate. I could try and explain about the eliptical route the earth takes around the sun, but somehow I think I would be wasting my time ! LOL ! If you want August to be in the autumn, that's O.K. with me !
  16. plenty of pups 8 week old can have a bit of undershot jaw and grow to have perfect bite
  17. Aslong as there dry and out the fraft there ok my smooth coated dogs I put coats on in winter the ones with a bit a coat a fine without
  18. Miles did a bitch get bought out the same litter a red bitch with patches cheers
  19. Normal spot on won't do it advocate will but you'll need a presciption off vet or ivormec will do it atb mc
  20. Some testing hares and bottomless land round me roos, withernsea so. On
  21. he said earlier he had some lads to run he'd be gone from about ten mate it was earlier in the thread
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